
Tuesday 4 April 2017

Talking about comebacks...Gorillaz have got some new songs out and a NEW album!

Talk about come backs...I was perusing YouTube the other day and this popped up on the website's HomePage...and I have to say this piqued my interest and I just had to have a little listen to them.

Here's the link to the official music video for Gorillaz "Saturn Barz (Spirit House)"...this if you ask me looks like the creepy house in the official teaser trailer for the movie adaption of Stephen King's "IT".

I can't believe that Noodle has grown up so much...and I can't believe she's a girl because I always thought she was a boy!...You live and learn eh!

This I have to say sounds so much better than the first song that they released "Halleujah Money ft. Benjamin Clementine", this sounded to me so unlike any Gorillaz song and if you ask me what the hell is Benjamin Clementine going on about a tree for...and now that I think about it whilst I'm writing this it sounds like ok this is either track one on the new album that Damon Alburn obviously was trying something new with Gorillaz  now let's get on with listening to the other Gorillaz songs.

Here's the other links to the other Gorillaz songs:


Whenever I hear this new track of Gorillaz I can't help but think that it sounds a bit like Metrnomy's "Heartbreaker", here's the link below if you want to have a little listen to it:

Also if you ask me it sounds like Damon Alburn has used a sound effect on this track that sounds like the overhead tannoy on an airplane.

I have to say though although both these songs have got chilled vibes, "Andromedia" does still have a bit of a dance beat to it so if you wanted to have a dance around to the song you could still do that, and I just thought that either ones of these songs would sound good to put on if you were at a house party or even if you were going to put these songs on in the background...and so does this other track of theirs "We Got The Power":

And "Ascension":

But I have to say that this does make me think of  Kelis ft. Andre 3000 "Millionaire" every time I listen to this track.

These tracks sound soooooo much better than the one before thank goodness that it makes me think this new album is going to go the same way as Hurts album "Surrender"...fingers crossed, which if you ask me is way better,-I'm sorry to say it Hurts fans but I do think it's better than "Exile" and I did buy this album because I am a big fan of Hurts but I just think that their were more songs that you could pick out on "Saurrender" and say to yourself "Ooh, I like that one!",- and I have to say that with this album it made me think "Oh thank god! it sounds more like the've got me back on the band wagon because I wasn't too sure about the last album".

This I realise while I'm writing this may sound like I'm not a true fan of Hurts but this is my opinion and I am a fan of this band and I did like this album but it just sounded a bit drownier than their first album which was amazing...especially the track they did with Kylie Minogue "Devotion".

Anyhew...I do realise now that I have just,-maybe just a tad- ranted on here about Hurts when this whole post is about Gorillaz...sorry.

So because fingers crossed that this album is going to sound like what you'd expect a Gorillaz album to sound like: chilled easy listening vibes, dance beats that you can listen to over and over again with a smile on your face that I instantly went over to Amazon's website and pre-ordered the bands NEW! album "Humanz" that's out on Friday 28th April.

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