
Monday 24 April 2017

NEW! Paramore "Hard Times"

OMG! OMG! OMG! I can't believe my eyes when I went onto Youtube's website the other just feels like I've not heard any new music from this band in aaaaaages! Thank God for this!

But I do have to admit that me and my dad had heard Radio 1 playing a couple of songs from their last album recently and we were thinking they hadn't played any of their songs in a while until now so does this mean they've got a new album coming out or something....and oh look they have this new song and a new album coming out, and as I am a massive fan I have of course pre-ordered this from Amazon's website, which is out Friday 12th May 2017 "After Laughter" in case your wondering.


The Paramore fan in me is screaming in my head right now with how excited I am to hear this new song of theirs.

Here is the YouTube link to the official music video if you haven't heard it yet:

This I have to say sounds different from their previous songs maybe a bit poppy but thankfully its not too poppy and is still recognisable as a Paramore song with this song still having some big guitar sounds, but it still,-this could just be me,- makes me want to see what the rest of the album sounds like if this is the fist single off of it...and I have to say just listening to this song it does make me want to dance around to this song,- and I have heard this morning on Radio 1 that this has been made their track of the day...which I think is soooo needed for a Monday Morning as just listening to this track makes you smile and want to dance around-.

And I have to say when I first heard this song I thought: "oh this is different from Paramore" and then I thought when I saw the music video for this song: "oh Hayley's died her hair blonde that's different ok" I think about it I wonder if this new hair colour might be from Hayley Williams' hair dye range goodDYEyoung range of semi-permanent cruelty free and vegan friendly hair dye that have amazing sounding names like "Rock Lobster" (red), "Ex-Girlfriend" (pink), "Riot" (orange) etc...and I was out shopping with my sisters the other day and I saw the masses of semi-permanent so called bold, bright and pastel shades that you could buy to dye your hair at home and I have to say none of the colours that you could dye your hair were a patch on these amazingly bright, bold colours and I thought why on earth aren't any of these on the shelves in shops now because I bet with how bright and bold these colours are and with how all these dye's have been naturally infused with sunflower and bergamot to condition hair as well as just boldly colour hair where no hair colour has gone before,-sorry I just couldn't resist this pun- and the fact that Hayley Williams from Paramore is associated with this brand who wouldn't want their hair looking as bold and bright as her hair?!.

Anyway I digress and I do realise now reading this back that this may sound like I've gone off on a tangent and that it may sound like I'm trying to sell these goodDYEyoung hair products I'm not I promise, but I just think these are well worth having a try as they look like super fun colours to try out on your hair if you with that in mind if you do want to try any of these colours why not go to the website:

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