
Friday 21 April 2017

BB's back for the new teaser trailer to "Star Wars: The Last Jedi" teaser trailer!

I hope you had a nice Easter!

I saw this last weekend and I am soooooo excited that their is finally some sort of trailer up for this next film in this,-in my opinion- legendary series of LucasFilms/Disney film...,-

if your reading this and thinking to yourself "why on earth is she writing that this series of films is LucasFilms/Disney for?", well for those not in the know I'll fill you in, on the 31st October 2012 the BBC reported that Disney bought LucasFilm from George Lucas for $4.05bn or £2.5bn from George Lucas who had up to now had written, directed, created this whole universe along with the characters and owned LucasFilm the company that made these films until "Star Wars: The Force Awakens" which was directed by JJ Abrams and now the new film "Star Wars: The Last Jedi" which will be directed by Rian Johnson along with other stand alone Star Wars movies such as "Rogue One" which was a Star Wars story that was directed by Gareth Edwards-.

And here's the YouTube link to see this in case you haven't seen it yet...which I can't imagine you wouldn't have not seen it yet:

As you can see from this teaser trailer the events in this movie follows on from the last film "Star Wars: The Force Awakens" with how Rey ( played by Daisy Ridley) has now found Luke Skywalker (played by the one and only Mark Hamil) and it looks like with the slow motion shot of stones flying up in the air that after finding out in the last film that she may have some Jedi abilities as she was able to use a Jedi mind trick to manipulate a Stormtrooper that was guarding her into freeing her and letting her have his gun once she is taken by Kylo Ren when he and the Stormtroopers attack Maz Kanata's castle on the planet Takodana and is suppose to be interrogated by Kylo Ren into giving up information on where Luke Skywalker is, that Luke Skywalker may be teaching her to hone her skills and bring her into the battle between the light, the dark side, the republic and the empire.

Not only does it look like Luke Skywalker will be teaching Daisy Ridley's character Rey how to hone her abilities getting her ready for a fight but it also looks like Adam Driver will be back for this next film to play Kylo Ren and he may just be looking for payback as the last time he fought Rey he lost an arm and a leg. And it looks like Oscar Isaacs will be back to reprise his role as Poe Dameron and it looks like the fight continues between the light and the dark side...and not only does it look like these are the only ones returning for this "Star Wars: The Last Jedi" film but so too is the droid BB-8....well the film just wouldn't be a Star Wars film without a droid would it?

It also looks like John Boyega will be back to reprise his role as Finn,-the rebel Stormtrooper from "Star Wars: The Force Awakens" who after seeing a friend die in battle then returns to the ship where he and other Stormtroopers came from led by their captain on orders by Kylo Ren to destroy the planet Jaaku so as to obtain a map that would tell of the location of Luke Skywalker that would help the Rebel Alliance in their fight against the Empire and removes his helmet which unless authorised to you can't, and after seeing Kylo Ren take Poe Dameron captive and being tortured by Ren using the force he then helps free Poe and at gunpoint gets his captain to authorise a ship to fly off the main ship, where he and Poe Dameron try to get back to Jaaku to get back to BB-8 as he has escaped the attack from Kylo Ren and has a key part of the map stored in his memory and Poe needs to get BB-8 and himself back to the Rebel Alliance to give this information to them about the location of Luke Skywalker's location,-.

Also in this trailer with Luke Skywalker saying that he knows now that the Jedi's must end, I can't believe this as the Jedi's are the ones that police the force and keep the balance between the light and dark sides of the force so how can he seriously think that the time of the Jedi masters has come to an end? If there's no one to keep the force in check then it sounds like to me that he's just giving up and that he's giving into The Empire and the dark side, then what has the fight that's gone on for so long all been for then?

According to's page this film will be released in the UK on the 15th December 2017 so until then we will just have to see if Luke Skywalker really means this and if so what will be next in this saga and who will finally win between The Rebel Alliance and The Empire.

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