
Friday 25 August 2017

NEW! 30 Seconds To Mars: "Walk On Water"

I apologise if you have already heard this NEW! song by 30 Seconds to Mars song "Walk On Water" but even though I like many other fans of this band had the 22nd August burned into my brain as this was the day that this song was going to be released but I have been away with my family until today in Norfolk and the internet is slow as a snail and it's a miracle if you even do get on the I have only got around to hearing this today and as a MASSIVE fan of this band this was priority number one on my 'to do' list today WITHOUT FAIL!

If you haven't heard this NEW! song yet here is the link on's website:

Thank God! It feels like forever since the last album "Lust. Love. Faith" that there has been any news or any new music...this has even become a joke if you've seen this video on's website:

Still can't believe watching this that there still isn't an actual date for when this NEW! album will be getting released!

I have to be honest I really, really, really want to like this song because I'm a MASSIVE fan of 30 Seconds to Mars but I think this song is a grower and I'm not really sure about it, I think this is going to be another Gorillaz "Hallelujah Money ft. Benjamin Clementine" where I really didn't like this song when it was first released, but when I listened to the album in full I got this track because that album sounds like it's cut into 3 parts a beginning, a middle and an end and track listing wise this is at the end of the album so when this comes on if your listening to this it let's you know that this album is nearly ended (this could just be me though), so what I mean is that I think I'm going to need to listen to the rest of the new album whenever this gets released...or whenever Jared Leto isn't busy filming like with his NEW! film "Blade Runner 2049" that will see him star alongside Indiana Jones himself Harrison Ford and Ryan Gosling which if you haven't already done so like me you should now put this in your diary as coming to cinemas on the 6th October or on tour with the band.

I just thought that if you haven't seen the final trailer for this new film here is the link to's website:

Friday 18 August 2017


I know I haven't posted on here in a bit and I apologise for this but I was just perusing the Internet this morning and I saw on Twitter the amazing news that you can now go on over to ITunes and listen and download Evanescence's single from the new album "Synthesis".

Now this may not be a completely new song as if you've heard this then you'll already recognise this single "Bring Me To Life (Synthesis)" is a stripped back version new compositional with a orchestral string arrangement version of their first amazing song "Bring Me Back To Life", but if you haven't already heard this then here is the link on YouTube:

This to me sounds like even though it is a stripped down version with some added strings and different sounds added to this track it still sounds as amazing to me as the first time this song was released. And thank god this is not a remix!

I also saw whilst perusing the Internet that in an article that was published on May 11th 2017 on Alternative Press's website Evanescence will also be releasing a NEW! album "Synthesis", that according to this article will have two NEW! songs added to this album along with this NEW! album allowing fans,-like me-, to hear classic Evanescence tracks in a completely new way as also according to this same article vocalist Amy Lee explained:

"This album is about orchestra and electronica. We're taking our music stripping out the big distorted guitars, stripping out the rock drums and replacing it with full orchestra and a completely synthetic world of beats and sounds."

Amy Lee goes on to explain that this NEW! album that according to Evanescence's website will be released in the fall 2017,- or if your like me and you live in the UK this is autumn 2017-, that this NEW! album may feature songs from previous Evanescence albums these will not be remixes of these songs,-in my opinion as a Evanescence fan that is a big sigh of relief as I can't even imagine hearing a remix of one of Evanescence's songs just even thinking about someone remixing these songs sounds to me like sacrilege, why would you even think about doing that to anyone of Evanescence's songs?, now that I think about it these remixes would just sound shit and annoying as you'd just want to probably listen to 5 seconds of this just to listen to how this sounds and then I think you'd stop listening to this remix and just want to listen to the original version of the song that's been remixed and you'd probably realise that the original version of this song sounds way better than the remix, but this could just be me-.

Also according to Evanescence's official website there will be a tour to support this album all around the US starting on October 14th, in case your wanting to go to any of these shows here is the link to these tour dates from Evanescence's website:

Also according to the same article on Alternative Press's website this tour will include a complete orchestra.

Sounds exciting to me with the added orchestra...a bit hectic logistically it sounds to me with taking all the instruments including the bands and all the orchestra's instruments to and from all the different venues.

Thursday 10 August 2017


I've just seen this on thankfully after I heard on P!NK's official Facebook Page that she has a NEW! single out today as well as a NEW! album "Beautiful Trauma" that will be released on October 13th 2017.

Here is the link to the Lyric video on YouTube if you haven't heard this yet:

Thank god there's this link because I heard that P!NK had a NEW! single out and I instantly went looking on YouTube this morning to see if I could hear this and for ages this morning all I kept getting were remixed versions of this.

I'm not just saying this because I may be a bit biased as I've always been a fan of P!NK's but I like it even though I have to say that,-in my opinion-, that I think that releasing a balled for a come back song can be a bit iffy and can sometimes sound shit...but as P!NK has an amazing voice I think she definitely pulls this off.

NEW! Fall Out Boy Video "Champion" and NEW! Album Mania News!

I was perusing the internet the other day and I saw that there was a NEW! Official Video that had been posted on's website for Fall Out Boy's NEW! song "Champion" and as I am a HUGE fan of this band I immediately listened to this new song and of course I immediately went onto Amazon and pre-ordered the album "MANIA".

And you may or may not know that the release date for this NEW! album has now been pushed back as Patrick Stump explained on his Twitter page that:

"The album just isn't ready, and it felt very rushed..."

He goes on to say that:

"I'm never going to put a record out I genuinely believe is at least strong or valid as the one that came before it and to do that we need a little bit more time to properly and carefully record solid performances."

This I have to say this definitely sucks to hear this but I have to say from what I've already heard so far from MANIA including "Champion" and "Young and Menace" this to me does definitely sound different to "Save Rock And Roll" and "American Beauty/American Psycho"...maybe a little bit tame I'm thinking for Fall Out Boy especially after "The Young Blood Chronicles" and all the songs on "American Beauty/American Psycho".

So this to me as a fan sounds totally the right thing and logical thing to do...but I have to say that with the llamas not being in this NEW! Official Music Video for "Champion" I was a little bit sad and kept thinking "Where are the llamas?"

Here's the link to the NEW! Official Video to "Champion" if you haven't had a chance to see this yet:

And here is the link to "Young and Menace" where you can see the llamas in case your reading this and don't know what the hell I'm talking about llamas for:

I just thought although this sounds different to "Save Rock And Roll" and "American Beauty/American Psycho" this does sound really good and now I think about it the intro to "Young and Menace" does sound a bit like the start of a James Bond song...making me very curious what the rest of this album is going to sound like if this is the title track to this new album.

But unfortunately I won't get to hear what the rest of this NEW! album "MANIA" will sound like until January 19th 2018...feeling very bummed about this.

Tuesday 8 August 2017

NEW! Jason Bourne Adventuure: The Bourne Initiative

Apologies again if you have already heard this piece of news but I just wanted to put this up on here as I'm a massive fan of the Jason Bourne films...well who isn't a fan of these films? and of the books.

When I was about to get on the airplane to go on a two week family holiday to St.Tropez, France I of course had a little gander at the WH Smith shop that was in the departures lounge to see if there were any good reads I wanted to take on holiday with me and low and behold amongst all the books that had intriguing titles like "The Midnight Club" or "Into The Water" there was " Eric Van LustBader: The Bourne Initiative The New Jason Bourne Adventure". I'm a massive fan of the Jason Bourne films and books my eyes just saw "The Bourne Initiative" and I was instantly curious...but here was the rub I already had another book to finish reading but I just wanted to read this book so much more. So I did what anyone,-probably-, would do I read as fast as I could to finish the first book and started reading this book.

According to Wikipedia,-which can be unreliable so I apologise if this turns out to be wrong,- with the permission of the Robert Ludlum estate he has continued writing "Jason Bourne" novels where Robert Ludlum left off in the "The Bourne Ultimatum".

If you love the Bourne series of books/films you have to read this as well as the book before this one in the series "The Bourne Enigma".

"The Bourne Initiative" is really as engrossing as the other books in the series that I've read as well as it keeping up with all the fast paced action from the other books and films as this book "The Bourne Initiative" sees Jason Bourne on the run from everyone the Americans i.e the CIA, Meme LLC (an off site black operations cyber operations), NSA and the Russians and a warlord called Keyre want him as their top IT analysist at Meme LLC Morgana has found on the dark net snippets of a code that she's never seen before and more and more of these pieces keep turning up on the dark net, in a meeting with her boss McQuerrie Morgana notices that even though he's telling her he needs her to find out what this code is, decipher it and find out where it's coming from he seems really spooked about this code and when she does all this can she only report her findings direct to him. Then when she goes directly to NSA headquarters does he tell her that he believes this code is part of a cyber weapon that could be used to make a cyber weapon that could be used to get the nuclear launch codes for America. But the only person who could be capable of setting up a cyber weapon is Boris Karpov who was head of the Russian FSB and is now dead, and Morgana's boss McQuerrie now believes that as he was before his death head of many secret initiatives he believes that from a photograph taken with him and Jason Bourne at his wedding and the fact Karpov was best friends with him and he left his boat the "Nym" to him in his will Jason Bourne has now taken over these initiatives and is the one who is  trying to sell this piece of code on the dark net and that he knows what this code is and how to stop the cyber weapon...but Jason Bourne doesn't know anything about this code or the auction on the dark net that Meme LLC have found and he doesn't believe that Boris Karpov would build a cyber weapon and after a kill team sent by the Americans blow up the "Nym" Jason Bourne along with Mala (a girl who Jason Bourne rescued from Keyre and was tortured by Keyre) is drawn into this tangled web and has to find out for himself what this code actually is, who is actually trying to sell it, is it a cyber weapon, how can it be stopped and did his old friend Boris Karpov actually build a cyber weapon as well as having to help out this warlord as he is somehow involved with this same 'Initiative'.

Now that I've read this I can't wait to get my teeth into "The Bourne Enigma" and I wonder whether this is going to be possibly made into a film and would Matt Damon come back and reprise the role of "Jason Bourne" or would someone else come in to play this role?

Who knows...or this could just be me thinking out loud. No pun intended.

Monday 7 August 2017

Calling All Roza Shovava Fans!...The NEW! Must Have Summer Bikini Collection Essential!

If you regularly read this blog you'll already know that I'm a MASSIVE fan of these scarves, harem pants, leggings, skirts and now fabulously theire NEW! Bikini Collection.

When I'd just about managed to work out which of the NEW! fabulous designed hand made scarves I wanted to purchase before I headed on my holiday to St. Tropez, France,-it was the Phoenix design that I managed to go for in the end in case your wondering-, I received an e-mail after I finally purchased saying about one of the designs for this NEW! Bikini Collection and even then I thought that it would be brilliant if they did a full Bikini Collection...and now officially on their website there is now a full Bikini Collection....YESSSSSSSS!

Here's the link to this NEW! Bikini Collection on their website if you haven't seen it yet:

Oh god! they all look amazing how on earth am I going to stop myself from buying all of these new bikini's before my next holiday.

Now that I think about it this is a really good time to put these fabulous designed bikini's on their website because before me and my family went on holiday bikini's were the one thing that me, my sisters and my mum were struggling to find...well we could all find them easily enough on websites but the thing we struggled to find were ones that had designs that we all liked, ones that were in colours that we liked and ones that had bikini bottoms that would be comfy once we wore them and not ones that wouldn't ruck up if you were either sitting on a sun lounger soaking up sun rays, reading a book sat on the beach or bikinis that were designed not in a styles like on the bottoms of some bikinis that we came across on some websites were in brazil styles so you just have to go with it that these bikini bottoms may not fit the way you would like even if you like the design of the bikini bottoms.

So these are great on all these fronts in my opinion, because not only are all these bikinis in this collection fabulously designed in amazing colours with amazing patterns to match so anyone of these bikinis that you choose would look fabulous on holiday in the sunshine as well as it making it very hard for anyone to choose which one are you going to buy first or which bikini would you want to wear first and are you going to wear them to the pool, the beach or to the beach club?, they all are designed including the lightly padded bikini tops with cutting-edge sustainable Italian techno-fabric "Vita Xtra Life Lycra" so they will retain shape and won't "rib".

And Shovava's website says that these bikinis are 5 times more chlorine resistant than your average swimwear this means that the colour of the bikini won't fade after wearing this to the pool or to the this means that not only when you go on your jollydays with your mates that they not only will be green with envy and no doubt they'll asking you "where did you get that from?" you could wear these bikini's this summer, next summer or anytime or any place you want as this will still look like you've just bought it.

The only thing to do now is start deciding which pattern you like best.

New! Evanesceance Song from "Voice From The Stone" Movie

I apologise if you already have heard this piece of news but I wanted to put this up on here for a while but this has just been put on the back burner whilst I've been away on holiday so I apologise for this.

Anyhew you may or may not have heard but before I went on holiday I was listening to one of my favourite Evanescence songs "My Immortal" and there was a "Recommended For You" video "Amy Lee-Speak To Me" so of course I listened to this song.

Here is the link to this on in case you haven't heard this yet:

In the information underneath the video of this it said that this is taken from the movie "The Voice From The Stone" starring Emilia Clarke who you may or may not recognise from "Game Of Thrones" who plays the character Daenerys Targaryen The Mother Of Dragons, or you may or may not also recognise her from "Me Before You" who played the character Lou Clarke or you may or may not also recognise her from "Terminator: Genisys" who played the character Sarah Connor, and Martin Csokas who you may not recognise from the first "XXX" film who played the character "Yorgi" who was the leader of the group "Anarchy 99".

According to's website this is a mystery, thriller, drama set in 1950's Tuscany when a solemn nurse played by Emilia Clarke is drawn to aid a young boy who has fallen silent since his mother's death and will be released on the 25th August 2017 at FrightFest.

Here is the link to this movie on's website for you to take a gander at if you haven't yet seen the trailer for this movie yet:

This screen adaption is directed by Eric D. Howell from Silvio Raffo's 1996 novel "La Voce Della Pietra", and the screenplay is written by Andrew Shaw. 

Tuesday 1 August 2017

Victor Miller wages war in the courts with Horror Inc. and Sean Cunningham for copyright over "Friday the 13th" and "Jason"

Gosh! It looks like it' all kicked off whilst I've been on a break from blogging.

But you may or may not know but over in the U.S.A according to and The Hollywood's website the original scriptwriter of "Friday The 13th" films Victor Miller wants to terminate his rights to "Friday the 13th" and the "Jason" character and reclaim ownership of both of these things as is allowed in copyright law as in the 1970s U.S Congress amended copyright law by allowing authors or their heirs to terminate a grant of rights and reclaim ownership.

But here's the sticking point...

Sean Cunningham who original produced the "The Friday 13th" film in the 1980s says that as he hired Victor Miller on a work for hire basis he has no right to terminate.

And Horror Inc. as well as it's successor company that originally produced the 1980s "Friday the 13th" film Manny Company also says in court papers according to The Hollywood Reporter's website that it was Sean Cunningham who came up with the idea for a Halloween-type film, and that it was Sean Cunningham who hired the team including Victor Miller to develop the idea for this Haloween-type film and that it was Sean Cunningham who got the financing for this film as well as it being Sean Cunningham who controlled all creative decisions.

Lawyers representing the producers argue according to The Hollywood Reporter's website that as Victor Miller is still a member of the Writers Guild Of America he scripted the "Friday The 13th" film under a standard Writers Guild Of America employment agreement.

According to Bonnie Eskenazi who is representing the producers of "Friday the 13th":

"This fact is critical because the WGA negotiates with employers on behalf of its members to set the minimum terms and conditions of employment, which are reflected in its collective bargaining agreement..."

She goes on to say that:

"WGA members, like Miller do not have the right to freely negotiate the minimum terms and conditions of their employment"

So this to me sounds like the producers are claiming that as Victor Miller signed a standard employee agreement which by the sounds of it for all intents and purposes is kind of a contract as Bonnie Eskenazi says this "...provides substantial employee benefits for Miller, such as a minimum guaranteed salary, payment of residuals, sequel payments and pension benefits and health benefits..." so their arguing (the producers) that as Victor Miller signed this he wouldn't have been able to say he was going to work for hire as you can't just say your going to work creating an idea for someone who wants a Halloween-type film, put all your time, all hours of the day as well as all your energy into this project and say you want x amount of salary for this and can you give them a writing credit for this, but then not cover yourself officially by not signing a Writer's Guild Of America agreement as that would be silly to me as it was just opening himself up to being taken advantage of writing wise as Sean Cunningham, Manny Company and Horror Inc. could have said yeah they'll do all the things he's asked for but then as it wasn't officially written down they could turn around and not actually do any of these demands and deny all knowledge that he even asked for any kind of salary and writing credits...but as Victor Miller is a member of the Writer's Guild Of America he would have signed such an agreement that would have looked after him in terms of the hours he'd be working, what capacity would he be working on this, would he be getting any credit for this, how much would he be getting paid for this work, how much would he be paid if there were to be any spin offs of this depending on the first films success or if there were any sequels from this first movie and the WGA would have also negotiated what kind of pension Miller would have received therefore Miller was in no position to negotiate terms of employment.

Sounds like false advertising to me.

But as according to TheHollywoodReporter's website under copywrite law if any works are done in the scope of employment then it's the employer who's considered the statutory author. That is why also according to this website the producers are arguing that "Friday The 13th" was Sean Cunningham's vision not Victor Miller's.

But Victor Miller's lawyer Marc Toberoff argues according to TheHollywoodReporter's website that he wrote a 15 page treatment called "The Long Knight At Camp Blood" and screenplay "on spec" at his home without daily supervision. And he also argues that he worked as a freelancer over the course of two months and it was up to him when and how long he would work, as to the the Writer's Guild Of America argument that the producers are raising he was paid no employee benefits whatsoever i.e no health insurance, no paid vacation, no pension etc and he was only paid $5,569 upon delivery of a first draft and $3,713 upon delivery of a final draft screenplay, and the revisions with the exception of a new ending were 'minor'.

But here's a very important part of this puzzle Sean Cunningham, Horror Inc. and Manny Company argue that back in 1979 Victor Miller knew that Cunningham asserted ownership of "Friday The 13th" and thus he also knew he had three years to raise a claim to these rights.

So this sounds to me that the producers are saying if he knew this then why is it now that Victor Miller wants to terminate his rights to the both "Friday The 13th" and "Jason" and then reclaim ownership of these things?

But here is another sticky point to this case because the producers argue that:

" is undisputed that Miller did not create either the title "Friday The 13th" or the "Jason" character as a living adult monster who is the villainous killer in all of the eleven sequels. Instead, Cunningham created the title "Friday The 13th" and Miller created a "Jason" character that died as a young boy due to the negligence of his camp councillors..."

So this sounds like to me that the producers are not disputing that it wasn't Victor Miller who came up with the title "Friday The 13th" nor is it disputed that Victor Miller came up with the idea to make the "Jason" character that was used in all eleven sequels to be a living adult monster. And that it was Sean Cunningham who created the title "Friday The 13th" and that Victor Miller came up with the "Jason" character.
And these lawyers go on to argue that:
"Miller would submit drafts of his writings, and Cunningham would make changes and modifications and mark up drafts. Miller would take notes and incorporate changes..."

And it also sounds like to me that the lawyers are also trying to argue that Victor Miller would work with Sean Cunningham and he would make drafts of writings using ideas from Cunningham and or make notes and incorporate changes as and when needed.

So this sounds like to me its one hell of a mess that needs to be sorted because Victor Miller's lawyer points out that if a judge honoured the termination provisions of the copyright code then:

"...Miller will thereby recover the U.S copyright to his original film treatment and screenplay this does not prevent the continued exploitation by Plaintiffs or their licensees of prior derivative works, including the 1980s and its many sequels; it solely relates to new derivative works after the effective 2018 termination date..."

Marc Toberoff also points out that:

" the U.S Copyright Act has no extra-territorial application, the foreign rights to Miller's screenplay remain with Plaintiffs or their licensees..."

So according to's website if Victor Miller were to win this case he would regain the rights and any future films that were to be distributed in the USA, but he wouldn't be able to have the rights to any other future films that were to contain the character "Jason Vorhees" and represented wearing a white hockey mask or even the title "Friday The 13th".