
Tuesday 8 August 2017

NEW! Jason Bourne Adventuure: The Bourne Initiative

Apologies again if you have already heard this piece of news but I just wanted to put this up on here as I'm a massive fan of the Jason Bourne films...well who isn't a fan of these films? and of the books.

When I was about to get on the airplane to go on a two week family holiday to St.Tropez, France I of course had a little gander at the WH Smith shop that was in the departures lounge to see if there were any good reads I wanted to take on holiday with me and low and behold amongst all the books that had intriguing titles like "The Midnight Club" or "Into The Water" there was " Eric Van LustBader: The Bourne Initiative The New Jason Bourne Adventure". I'm a massive fan of the Jason Bourne films and books my eyes just saw "The Bourne Initiative" and I was instantly curious...but here was the rub I already had another book to finish reading but I just wanted to read this book so much more. So I did what anyone,-probably-, would do I read as fast as I could to finish the first book and started reading this book.

According to Wikipedia,-which can be unreliable so I apologise if this turns out to be wrong,- with the permission of the Robert Ludlum estate he has continued writing "Jason Bourne" novels where Robert Ludlum left off in the "The Bourne Ultimatum".

If you love the Bourne series of books/films you have to read this as well as the book before this one in the series "The Bourne Enigma".

"The Bourne Initiative" is really as engrossing as the other books in the series that I've read as well as it keeping up with all the fast paced action from the other books and films as this book "The Bourne Initiative" sees Jason Bourne on the run from everyone the Americans i.e the CIA, Meme LLC (an off site black operations cyber operations), NSA and the Russians and a warlord called Keyre want him as their top IT analysist at Meme LLC Morgana has found on the dark net snippets of a code that she's never seen before and more and more of these pieces keep turning up on the dark net, in a meeting with her boss McQuerrie Morgana notices that even though he's telling her he needs her to find out what this code is, decipher it and find out where it's coming from he seems really spooked about this code and when she does all this can she only report her findings direct to him. Then when she goes directly to NSA headquarters does he tell her that he believes this code is part of a cyber weapon that could be used to make a cyber weapon that could be used to get the nuclear launch codes for America. But the only person who could be capable of setting up a cyber weapon is Boris Karpov who was head of the Russian FSB and is now dead, and Morgana's boss McQuerrie now believes that as he was before his death head of many secret initiatives he believes that from a photograph taken with him and Jason Bourne at his wedding and the fact Karpov was best friends with him and he left his boat the "Nym" to him in his will Jason Bourne has now taken over these initiatives and is the one who is  trying to sell this piece of code on the dark net and that he knows what this code is and how to stop the cyber weapon...but Jason Bourne doesn't know anything about this code or the auction on the dark net that Meme LLC have found and he doesn't believe that Boris Karpov would build a cyber weapon and after a kill team sent by the Americans blow up the "Nym" Jason Bourne along with Mala (a girl who Jason Bourne rescued from Keyre and was tortured by Keyre) is drawn into this tangled web and has to find out for himself what this code actually is, who is actually trying to sell it, is it a cyber weapon, how can it be stopped and did his old friend Boris Karpov actually build a cyber weapon as well as having to help out this warlord as he is somehow involved with this same 'Initiative'.

Now that I've read this I can't wait to get my teeth into "The Bourne Enigma" and I wonder whether this is going to be possibly made into a film and would Matt Damon come back and reprise the role of "Jason Bourne" or would someone else come in to play this role?

Who knows...or this could just be me thinking out loud. No pun intended.

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