
Friday 25 August 2017

NEW! 30 Seconds To Mars: "Walk On Water"

I apologise if you have already heard this NEW! song by 30 Seconds to Mars song "Walk On Water" but even though I like many other fans of this band had the 22nd August burned into my brain as this was the day that this song was going to be released but I have been away with my family until today in Norfolk and the internet is slow as a snail and it's a miracle if you even do get on the I have only got around to hearing this today and as a MASSIVE fan of this band this was priority number one on my 'to do' list today WITHOUT FAIL!

If you haven't heard this NEW! song yet here is the link on's website:

Thank God! It feels like forever since the last album "Lust. Love. Faith" that there has been any news or any new music...this has even become a joke if you've seen this video on's website:

Still can't believe watching this that there still isn't an actual date for when this NEW! album will be getting released!

I have to be honest I really, really, really want to like this song because I'm a MASSIVE fan of 30 Seconds to Mars but I think this song is a grower and I'm not really sure about it, I think this is going to be another Gorillaz "Hallelujah Money ft. Benjamin Clementine" where I really didn't like this song when it was first released, but when I listened to the album in full I got this track because that album sounds like it's cut into 3 parts a beginning, a middle and an end and track listing wise this is at the end of the album so when this comes on if your listening to this it let's you know that this album is nearly ended (this could just be me though), so what I mean is that I think I'm going to need to listen to the rest of the new album whenever this gets released...or whenever Jared Leto isn't busy filming like with his NEW! film "Blade Runner 2049" that will see him star alongside Indiana Jones himself Harrison Ford and Ryan Gosling which if you haven't already done so like me you should now put this in your diary as coming to cinemas on the 6th October or on tour with the band.

I just thought that if you haven't seen the final trailer for this new film here is the link to's website:

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