
Tuesday 28 August 2012

Stretch Armstrong getting his own stretchtastic movie!

Back in July on The Hollywood Reporter's  Heat Vision blog it reported that Stretch Armstrong was getting its very own movie and that Breck Eisner was in negotiations to direct this but now we can it's been made official that he will direct this without Taylor Lautner who was originally on the cards to be in this film.

Stretch Armstrong as you know is a toy that is owned by Hasbro and as part of an agreement between Hasbro and Universal made all the way back in 2008, but back in January this stretched (pardon the pun) right off Universal's lot and into the hands of Relativity Media's regardless of Taylor Lautner's rumoured involvment with this film and several release dates for this film being released and then nothing coming of it.

According to The Hollywood Reporter Heat Vision blog Relativity Media have been working on the film, working off a script that has been written by Dean Georgaris who has written scripts in the past for 'Lara Croft Tomb Raider:The Cradle Of Life' as well as 'The Manchurian Candidate',-I have to say that going on these two films being on his CV as past films that he has written scripts for then this isn't bad, as I've seen both and although the first Lara Croft was for me the better of the two but this second one I still do watch it every time that it comes on the TV, 'The Manchurian Candidate' is a fantastic film with Denzel Washington in and a must see if you haven't seen it already and I do have to say that this film is probably a lot better than Lara Croft but to be honest they are very different styles of films as Lara Croft is more a family fun film and the Manchurian Candidate isn't really a family friendly film as it's certificate is 15 and there's one bit in the film where the main character played by Liev Schrieber sleeps with his mother played by Meryl Streep-, so this film may be not one that you sit down with the kids to watch.

Ryan Kavanaugh from Relativity Media, Brian Goldner and Bennett Schier from Hasbro are going to be producing with Tucker Tooley from Relativity going to be executive producing.

Hasbro CEO and President Brian Goldner has commented that Stretch Armstrong could "potentially to move "Stretch" out of '12 and into '13".

This then would seem to back up how report that Stretch Armstrong will get released over in America on 11th April 2014, but apart from this there isn't any other for now we'll just have to see what happens

Brangelina brood following in mummies footsteps!

According to Metro 1 of the many many many many children of Brad and Angelina Jolie will be taking their acting debut by acting alongside Angelina on the set of her new film Maleficent...the film adaption of the Disney classic Sleeping Beauty.

According to Metro Angelina's four year old daughter Vivienne will play Princess Aurora and Ellie Fanning will play an older version of her.

According to The Sun Newspaper,-which knowing what this newspaper is like you may or may not want to believe their "source" at this newspaper, and asthis newspaper is part of the Murdoch News Corporation Empire and how the ethics of some journalists at this newspaper has been called into question of late you may be like me and want to hold any of their "sources" to the stories they print with a hint of salt-:

"Angelina thought it would be a fun experience for Vivienne to share, and Vivienne is a natural".

She will be starring alongside Imelda Staunton who you might recognize from Harry Potter and the Order of the Pheonix as Dolores Umbridge who is appointed by Cornelius Fudge the Minister for Magic who like everybody else doesn't believe Harry when he says that Lord Voldermort has come back and that he killed Cedric Diggery , Sam Riley who you might also recognise from Brighton Rock where he played pinky who is a gangster, Miranda Richardson another Harry Potter export as you might recognise her from Harry Potter and the Goblet Of Fire as the annoying Daily Prophet journalist who makes up things during the Triwizard Tournament to make it more interesting like in the film of this she makes up that Harry is dating Hermione Granger just because she's seen her wishing Harry good luck.

Juno Temple who was recently in the new Batman film as Anne Hathaway's partner in crime will also be in this as one of the fairies that look after Aurorer.

This doesn't have a date up yet of when it will be released in the UK but says that it will be released over in America on the 14th March 2014.

Thursday 23 August 2012

I've hit the motherload...Matrix 4 and 5 to be done in 3D!

Holy Crap Batman! This is for me the motherload of news that I have seemed to hit on on Metro's website...I can't believe this is being done as I am a big fan of this and I especially loved Matrix 1...I can even remember how one of my friends at school told me after he saw this first film that he just had to attend a fancy dress party as Morphios!

The second one for me was alright but it wasn't anything on the first film.

Anyhew according to Metro Keanu Reeves had spoken to Andy and Larry Wachowski about the possibility of shhoting two more films in 3D.

Metro reports that Reeves met the brothers around Christmas time when they told him that they'd been working on completed scripts for two more follow ups to the Matrix franchise.

The Wachowski brothers are also reportedly planning on meeting one of the most infamous directors around these days James Cameron to ask him about the possibility of shooting these films in 3D.

Keanu Reeves has reportedly said on this that these films will revolutionise the action genre just like the first Matrix movie did.

I don't know how this might be done and how exactly he'll come back into the fold as Neo as forgive me if I'm wrong but at the end of the last one when Trudi died he also died....but now that I remember it there was a voice over saying that he went away and no one saw him again but he would return...but hopefully not in the comic way that Kim Jong Il says he will return my other favorite film 'Team America:World Police' when he is really a cockroach and goes to a toy spaceship and yells 'I will weturn!'.

Hold the bus!...Bill and Ted 3 is in the works! Awesome Dude

I have just stumbled upon this titbit of amazing news.... according to Metro news website Keanu Reeves and Alex Winter are on board to reprise their roles of Bill and Ted in Bill and Ted 3.

There has been talk for what seems like ages now that Alex Winter (Bill) wanted to do another Bill and Ted movie with Keanu Reeves but now according to Metro Newspaper this awesome bit of news is getting closer to becoming a reality.

It seems that now both Alex Winter and Keanu Reeves are on board for this project with Ed Soloman and Chris Matheson who originally created the film and introduced it and Keanu Reeves to the world.

Dean Parisot who was behind 'Galaxy Quest' case your wondering like I was thanks to it has confirmed that this was the film where there were aliens who really did believe that a  sci-fi TV show with the same name which fought off aliens to save the world was real so they get them to save their world from an alien dictator.

He is repordedly attached to this project to direct it.

But before you get all excited about this becoming a reality shooting for this looks unlikely to kick off before next year as at the moment Dean Parisot is going to be making a sequel to RED, and this also might get delayed some what as Metro report that although MGM still own the rights to this film it's thought that a deal could be struck up with another studio so as to co-finance this.

So we'll have to wait and see what this film plot will be as at the moment there hasn't been a whiff of plot details, but even though this is the case I still am excited to see this film as I loved the first two and thought they were totally awesome dude!

Wednesday 22 August 2012

Justin Bieber to be on The Simpsons

According to Entertainment Weekly's Insider TV Justin Bieber will have a cameo role on the show as himself in an upcoming episode of the show.

According to Justin Bieber's Twitter Feed he wrote this afternoon:

"just did a voice over for the SIMPSONS!!! #swaggy"

But this has since been this could spell another Rachel Weisz and James Bond situation where if your not familiar with this situation I'll fill you in, apparently back when they were casting for the new Skyfall film Rachel Weisz was reportedly cast to play the head of Quantum but then a friend of hers tweeted that she was so excited for Weisz to be playing this role in the new James Bond and then from this Rachel Weisz was no longer in this movie.

Meaning that it has been removed because Bieber has thought 'Oh shit! I wasn't suppose to tell anyone about this!".

The episode he will be in will be called 'The Fabulous Faker Boy' which has the storyline of Bieber tries to get into a talent show that Bart is in playing piano but they won't let him in.

This episode will be aired on FOX TV on September 30th 2013 as part of the 24th season.

Al Jean the executive producer of the show has commented on this cameo role saying that despite it only being a cameo:

"...all of his fans should watch every minuite of the show , before and after he's on..."

This though won't be the only high-profile A-lister that will get the yellow treatment this time around, according to Entertainment Weekly Edward Norton, Steve Carrel, Zooey Deschanel, Anne Hathaway and Natalie Portman will get the yellow treatment for this 24th season of the show.


Lady Gaga in toy lawsuit!

The other day I was reading on Entertainment Weekly's website that Lady Gaga has got herself in hot water with MGA Entertainment who were planning on releasing a doll of Lady Gaga around Christmas, but now this lawsuit $10million lawsuit that they've slapped her with means that any one who was thinking that they'd got their perfect christmas gift for that person that is a fan of hers you'll have to go back to the drawing board and think of a back up present.

According to Entertainment Weekly MGA Entertainment says that at the last minuit Lady Gaga, her management as well as her licensing copanies asked for the dolls voice chip to be removed which has now delayed its release date, saying that Lady Gaga's people had:

"....engaged in intentionally and deliberate delays..."

So now with the release date being pushed back it means that this toy wouldn't get released in 2013 more in line with when her perfume and next album comes out.

Lady Gaga's people though are confident though that their in the right and that there is no legitamate reason for dragging Lady Gaga's name into this dispute even though the dispute is mainly between MGA Entertainment and Lady Gaga's record label, which MGA Entertainment is also asking from her licensing company Bravado International a $1million for the rights to produce a doll in her likeness.

Lady Gaga's people have said that she will:

"...vigorously defend MGA's ill conceived lawsuit and is confident that she will prevail..."

But MGA begs to differ saying they are in the right and have offered to show a recorded sample of the back and forth dialogue that they have had with her people.

According to MGA they were asked by an intermediatory from Lady Gaga's camp back in March that the doll be more supermodel like, and that they also recieved an email saying to "think a prettier version of Gaga. Thin out the cheeks and sharpen the jawline. Give her more of a cat-eye and sexier, poutier lips".

And then according to MGA Entertainment they were told by her camp that they like the dolls silver Grammy outfit and the doll's green crystal dress but they wanted a 'Born This Way' zombie ensemble as well...including they say with "...a removable head to reveal a bloody stump..."-this to me sounds like the doll was going to be a toy that came right out of 'The Nightmare Before Christmas' and that it might of needed to come with its own age restrictions as I don't think that parents will have been buying this toy for very small little monsters, but then again her main market is teenagers-.

Anyhew...MGA go on to say that when all these demands were met and they then sent out samples to her and it was at this time that she asked for the voice chip to be pulled.

They also say that on April 23rd Lady Gaga was keen on having the shipping for this delayed until her new album was released.

But on a lighter note for all you fans of Lady Gaga you'll be happy to know that she has been cast as La Chamelion in Robert Rodriguz's 'Machete Kills' which if your a fan of Robert Rodriguz films like me then you'll know this is a follow up of his other 'Machete' film starring Danny Trejo which you'll have seen in 'Once Upon A Time In Mexico' as the guy who works for Johnny Depp's CIA Agent Sands who is told to get El (played by Antonio Banderas) out of hiding so as to stop the local maffia from executing a coup on the President lead by General Marquez on the day of the dead in Mexico.


In typical Robert Rodriguez  ironic style La Chamelion is a character that likes to play with silenced pistols but still likes to look demure while doing it.

Also ironically Charlie Sheen has also been cast...I'm not so sure if there is going to be any guns or things to blow up that Tiger Blood drinking machete wielding Charlie Sheen should be near it but I guess that if anything gets blown up that shouldn't you can always say that it was Charlie Sheen or Mel Gibson,-who has also been cast-, that did it.

Also Vanessa Hudgens, Sofia Vergara, Willian Sadler, Demian Bichir, Michelle Rodriguez and Edward James Olomis will star.

Tuesday 21 August 2012

50 Shades of Clothes!?

I was just reading on Marie Claire's website the interesting news that E.L James the writer of the best selling book that has overtaken the little known franchise of J.K Rowling books to film adaption 'Harry Potter' as the fastest selling paperback of all time in the UK...not sure if you would of heard of it!

Anyhew...according to "reports" as Marie Claire puts it E.L James has signed three licensing deals to put the clothes inspired by the trilogy of books to a high street store near you.

She has signed contracts with Freeze Clothing to create a line of hoodies, T-shirts and knitwear, Briefly Stated to sell a line of loungewear and underwear and she will also team up with Brand HYP to design a line of tights, stockings and garters.

This though isn't just the start of these books success taking over the world with it's success the way that Harry Potter you may or may not have heard that this is going to be turned into a movie just like Harry Potter and the script is currently being written but talk has been rife about who will be cast as Anastasia Steele and Christian Grey.

I saw on the news the other day these suggestions and I have to say that some of them I had to laugh at but one in particular that Marie Claire have now suggested has also made me laugh as they have suggested Robert Patterson for this role along with other well established actors such as Ryan Gosling, Christian Bale, Michael Fassbender.

If you want to see more on these suggestions go to the link:

Monday 20 August 2012

Review: The Bourne Legacy

This below post will definitely contain spoilers so if you don't want to see the results as you haven't seen it yet please look away now!

The other day after I'd returned to HQ after going up to London to see the fantastic Dead Famous Live at the Paradise by way of Kensall Green which is a fantastic pub/restaurant that has the amazing melted brie parcels which if your wondering is just deep fat fried melted cheese and if your like me and are partial to some cheese than you'll love these but if you are turning your nose up at the sound of these than I have to say that you are judging way to quickly on this as you really need to try these before you fall in love with these.

Anyhew....this is going off point but when I came back from this I went to see 'The Bourne Legacy' which I have been eagerly anticipating, but I have to say that I was a little disappointed at it because to me this film didn't seem to have a story eventhough it did seem like it was building into something like a Matt Damon Bourne film not only because in one scene Aaron Cross (Jeremy Renner's character) writes on a mirror 'NO MORE', but because Tony Guilroy had made sure that there were lots of fast paced action sequences like how Aaron Cross (Jeremy Renner) takes down a drone that's trying to kill him using the tracking device in his hip which he cuts out, and then he comes back to America and stops Rachel Weisz's character from getting killed by special agents that are employed by the CIA that use her medical group to give out tablets and tests on the agents then send them back into the line of fire when she tries to leave the country for Canada after a co-worker of hers locks all the doors in the lab where they work and starts shooting people...leaving only her as the only surviver... and then after he's killed all the agents in her house he puts gasoline all over it for her to then set fire to.

And then when they go off to Manila, Philippines they have to have a very fast paced tense motobike chase which he gets shot and then she takes off her helmet and throws it at the guy chasing them on another motorbike (this guy is from another programme called LARKS) and then they both fall off the bike and an old fisherman helps them then.

So to me after I saw this I was left feeling like there wasn't much of a story and that it only really felt like this was more of a snowball movie, meaning that there really wasn't a story in this but that the events in the movie were the start of a snowball effect and that it was going to eventually sooner rather than later going to go somewhere.

I can't be too harsh on it though as I thought it was very comical how at every turn in the movie there was either a file or a TV station with Matt Damon's face on as Jason Bourne and that it did feel like to me that  Matt Damon was peeking round every corner of the movie or from the background he was jumping up and down shouting 'Don't forget I used to be in this film!", and I would say that the one true saving grace of the movie was Moby's 'Extreme Ways'...this always puts a smile on my face as I know people get annoyed with him as his records do seem to be overplayed but as a hardcore fan of the Bourne films and as a music lover how can you not love this song and have the biggest smile on your face while listening to it, this though I realise may just be me though that this song has this effect on.

Also as a last point although there were lots of links to the other films such as every day Cross has to take a blue and a green pill as well as do his own blood samples and then he gets given maps with coordinates of where he needs to go...this if your not as big a fan of the films as me goes back to the first film where just before Jason Bourne shoots Clive Owen, Clive Owen tells him that Treadstone give you pills, they send you texts, maps of where you need to go.

Also I have to say that the love story thing that they've tried to do with Rachel Weisz character and Jeremy Renner's character it's not really believable.

All in all I have come to the conclusion that I may have had too high an expectation of this movie and that I maybe should have known that this film wasn't going to be as good as Matt Damon's Bourne films and maybe I just need to get used to it as I think my dad hit the nail on the head when he said that it was just like with James Bond and how every time there is a new actor people moan that that one will never be as good as the last one but then it turns out that that actor was if not the same probably better than the last, so I guess I just need to sit tight and wait to see the next one as the ending of this film if you haven't already gathered was left open ended.

Wolverine pics!

The other day when I was perusing I came across 'The Wolverine' and it was seeming to say that the story for this was about how Logan/Wolverine fell in love with a girl who had been promised to marry another guy, but now it seems to be saying that Logan is trained by a samuri warrior.

This has made me very confused and on top of this according to's "sources" Logan/Wolverine will head into town to get some camping gear and a bar will feature in the movie as well...which has got them thinking that:

"...that this could be scenes emulating the beginning of Frank Miller's "Japanese Saga" in "Wolverine #1". In that version of the tale Wolverine/Logan is seen in the Canadian Rockies pursuing a man-eating grizzly bear. During the eventual confrontation Wolverine notices that the bear has an arrow lodged in it's back. A closer examination reveals that the tip of the arrow has traces of poison and is the cause of the bear's erratic behavior."

But at this point this is all unofficial, but what is know about this film is that the story will be a stand alone story and won't feature any mutants (as Hugh Jackman has said), that the filming is taking place in Japan and that apart from Hugh Jackman there is Will Yun Lee who will play Kenuichio Harada/Silver Samuri, Hiroyuki Sanada will play Shingen Yashida, Rila Fukushima will play Yukio, Brian Tee will play Noburo Mori, James Fraser will play an allied POW, Hal Yamanouchi will play Yashida, Tao Okamoto will play Mariko Yashida and Luke Webb will play another allied POW.

James Mangold will direct this, (he also directed Knight and Day which starred Tom Cruise and Cameron Diaz) and the script has been written by Christopher McQuarrie.

Here are the behind-the-scene pics for you to peruse at:

wolverine-set-photo wolverine-set-photo-yukon hugh-jackman-wolverine-set-photo

This last picture if you can't see it has Hugh Jackman sporting the statement Logan beard that you will have seen in the X:Men films with rag-tag unkempt shoulder length hair.

Update: As of today, thanks to Empire Magazine 20th Century Fox has today released a statement,-so there is no more guessing games to play-, summing up in a word what 'The Wolverine' story will be:

"Based on the celebrated comic book arc, The Wolverine finds Logan, finds Logan the eternal warrior and outsider in Japan, There, samurai steel will clash adamantium claw as Logan confronts a mysterious figure from his past in an epic battle that will leave him forever changed".

If you are like me and have no clue what this "arc" is then I have to again thank Empire Magazine for filling this in for me, according to them it is the Chris Claremont and Frank Miller's run in the wolverine comics back in 1982...these comics if your interested to read them were only called Wolverine with this front cover:

Du-du-duladu boo! Daredevil right go back to Marvel!

As you may or may not already know that there has been talk of 'Daredevil' being remade...when I first heard this I couldn't believe it either that even after Ben Afleck's attempt at wearing a red leather cat suit that cam complete with it's own leather mask and fold out stick,-now I think about this it makes me think that this sounds like this was more an action figurine than a character from a movie- the film studios are going to have another go at this to see if they can do any better than before.

And there is definite need for this to be done better than before as if you ask me a man in a leather catsuit isn't a good look...these were designed for women so why on earth make a man wear one as it definitely isn't a good look for any man! that I think about it the studio should have definitely given Ben Affleck some compensation after making him wear that as it really doesn't make you think when you see you go see this film that he is a cool superhero like Christpher Nolan has managed to do with Batman....which if you don't already know is going to be rebooted at a later date. 

Collider reported on the 6th August that 20th Century Fox were going to make a reboot of Daredevil and David Slade who was initially set up to direct this but then left for Joe Carnahan (who has directed The Grey the film where Liam Neeson fighting off wolves after a plane crash) to come into the fold.

Unofficially it has been suggested that the negotiations between Marvel and 20th Century Fox would give Marvel The Silver Surfer and Galactus characters from 'The Fantastic Four' use of them in future films of theirs in exchange for making Daredevil.

But now it's been reported by Variety that 20th Century Fox have had no choice but to give back the rights to Marvel and these will according to "sources" say that the rights for this character will revert back to them some time after the October 10th deadline which Marvel gave 20th Century Fox to put this reboot into production.

Mad Max Set Pictures Leaked!

Thanks to Collider new behind the scenes pictures have been leaked starting up the excitement of Mad Max:Fury Road...and I have to say that these look interesting.

News on this has been very spars apart from how the location for filming this had to be moved due to flooding...bloody weather spoiling everything as usual! and had to be relocated to Africa and the cast and crew have been there since the 9th July, and that Tom Hardy will be Mad Max. This has all I have been able to find out so far, but thanks to these photos these are only the start of more movie news and other things that are yet to come to build up hype for this movie that I have been eagerly anticipating since I first heard that Tom Hardy was cast as the main part in this movie as I am a huge fan of his films...especially his stand out role as Bane in Batman:The Dark Knight Rises film.

If you ask me there has been some chatter from some websites and some blogs that Tom Hardy should get an Oscar for this role, I think that although that Tom Hardy stole the show for me I still think it has nothing on Heath Ledger's The Joker.

Anyhew...I realise this is moving a little off the point. Here are the behind-the-scenes photos for you to have a gander at:

mad-max-4-fury-road-set-truck  mad-max-4-fury-road-set-photo

 mad-max-4-fury-road-mask mad-max-4-fury-road-cars

mad-max-4-fury-road-car-cross mad-max-4-fury-road-car

These look interesting to me...all of these little gizmos and gadgets remind me of Dr. Dre and Tupac's 'California Love' music video, i.e they look like their from a post apocalyptic world and especially the cars look like they have been either abandoned or have been made out of scraps of things that have been found.

According to Collider the story for this is it:

" sees the eponymous road warrior (Tom Hardy) caught up with a group of people fleeing across the Wasteland in a War Rig driven by Imperator Furiosa (Charlize Theron)."

These I have to say have got me excited to see what other news will come out in the build up for this movie, but for now we'll just have to wait with baited breath for this.

Wednesday 1 August 2012

Indiana Jones sequal might not happen

The lucky devils over at Vulture got to go to the premiere last night of the new 'The Bourne Legacy' and just so happened to run into Frank Marshall who told them that:

"Whoa,whoa,whoa only one is moving. Not Indy.../ I don't know if it's definitely not happening, but it's not up and running".

But when he was asked about whether Steven Spielberg and George Lucas have been throwing around any ideas for this sequel, he said:

" They talk about it. We all talk about it. But their is no script, there's no ideas/It's not on until there is a writer on the project. There is no writer on Indy. With Jurassic, we have two writers on Jurassic and there writing".

As I am an avid fan of all the Jurassic Park films this is just about wetting my appetite as I was like a kid in a sweet shop on a sugar high when I first heard that there would be another Jurassic Park film...but I hope that this now keeps moving forward development wise and doesn't get put on the shelf or has any problems which mean that this film has to be stopped at any point like with Johnny Depp's film 'The Lone Ranger'.

I hope with this that fingers crossed that there really isn't another Indiana Jones film, I really hate myself for saying this as I love all of the old Indiana Jones films but that Indiana Jones and The Kingdom of The Crystal Skull was just aweful....and really was just a film that was thrown together because Indiana Jones fans wanted another film and it didn't really have a storyline.

And I have to say that after I watched this to see what this was like I really wish that I could get back that hour of my life that I put aside to watch this film...but saying this as it's an Indiana Jones film I can't resist watching it whenever it comes on but it has nothing on the other Indiana Jones films especially my favorite 'Indiana Jones and the Temple Of Doom". 

Sleepy Hollow, Peter Pan and Beauty and the Beast to be turned into TV series? WTF!

I first heard this at the end of last week when I was perusing Deadline's website....and I have to be honest my first thought about this was a very loud NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! because I am such a massive fan of the Tim Burton film that I really don't see why they have to make this a TV series as I can only imagine that it'll be shit! meaning that I hope that this doesn't go the same way as the new US TV series that's based on the classic Sir Arthur Conan Doyle Sherlock Holmes series, that is a modern twist that stars Johnny Lee Miller and Lucy Lui as Sherlock and Watson.

But is being done along with other tried and tested Disney stories such as Peter Pan and Beauty and The Beast.

Alex Kurtzman and Roberto Orci will executiive produce this, along with Len Wiseman who will direct this 'put-pilot commitment' adaption of Washington Irving's 'The Legend Of Sleepy Hollow' for the Fox network.

Alex Kurtzman and Roberto Orci are on board to write the script for this along with Philip Iscove who has created the concept for this new TV series which says the Hollywood Reporter will be:


and this has also been said to be a:

"...a modern day supernatural thriller based on the 1820 short story in which Ichabod Crane partners with the town's local sheriff to bring peace to a beleaguered community..."

Peter Pan is also getting this same treatment according to Deadline Holltwood 20th Century TV and the studio based Imagine TV are developing 'The League Of Pan' which will be a new take on the classic Peter Pan story with the idea for this new drama series being that it will be set in modern times and will take place 10 years after the Lost Boys have left Netherland.

This idea was dreamt up by Brian McCauley Johnson and now 20th Century Fox and Imagine TV are now in the process of finding who has written scripts for shows before to co write this pilot script with Brian McCauley Johnson and then once they've got this person on board, they'll take this out and show it around to the TV networks.

But there are also some other Peter Pan movies going to be coming to light...Gavin O'Connor who directed the fantastic 'Warrior' film is going to be directing for Sony Pictures another Peter Pan film, which has the title of 'Pan', the script for this is going to be written by Billy Ray and Joe Roth (Joe Roth produced 'Alice In Wonderland') a completely different take on Peter Pan...and I mean completely different it's more like a left field look at this story as the idea for this film is that Peter Pan and Captain James Hook are brothers!

The other movie that is set to be about Peter Pan that is also working with the title of 'Pan' is going to be a little indie film that will star Aaron Eckhart as a tormented detective called Hook who is hunting for Peter Pan who has been re imagined into a child kidnapper.

CBS are set to reboot their old Beauty and The Beast series which was set in modern day 80's which starred Linda Hamilton as the Belle character that was a district attorney and Ron Perlman as the Beast. But there will be one thing different about this one says Vulture it will have:

"...a procedural twist..."

Whatever this means there has been no other details for this so we will just have to wait to see what this will be.