
Thursday 23 April 2015

Fast and Furious 7 breaking News!

Well I don't know if it's quite breaking news, but it feels like it should be breaking news...yesterday I got an order update on my pre-ordered copy of Fast and Furious 7 DVD,-in my opinion this is a must have for any fan of the Fast and Furious franchise, but also how can you not have this film in your DVD collection considering how so much crazy shit happens in it,-.

I'd been going crazy for months that I really wanted to own this DVD because this is so amazing and nowhere on the internet or even on Amazon's website or on any UK website did it say when this would be released on DVD in the UK until now...September 7th 2015!

This is definitely a date for the diary that you don't want to miss.

Along with this there has been the news from Vin Diesel himself that there might be a Fast and Furious 8 saying:

!...Paul used to say that "Fast and Furious 8" was guaranteed, and in some ways, when your brother guarantees something, you have to make sure it comes to pass..."

He then went on to say to MTV that:

"...So if fate has it-F8- then you will get it...."


"...'Furious 7' was for Paul. 8 is from Paul..."

Even Dwayne "Daddy" Johnson, or if you've seen the films you'll probably recognise him as Hobbs who was hunting Vin Diesel's team in Fast and Furious 5 when they were in Brazil, has said according to Realty Today:

"We had a nice discussion (with Vin Diesel) and I think, whatever it is, whatever we come up with for 'Furious 8' , we have to raise the bar in terms of action. Yes but also in terms of  story and character."

If your like me and have already seen this movie then you'll understand when I say this, (but if you haven't then I don't want to spoil it for those who haven't but shame on you if you haven't yet, but I'll fill in the blanks if you haven't anyway but just be warned this may contain spoilers so look away now if you don't want to know):

Jason Statham plays Deckard Shaw the big brother of Owen Shaw (the bad guy from the last film), and like his brother he was special forces black ops and an assassin but when this started to become a liability for the USA government they wanted him retired but he retired the team that went after him and then disappeared only to appear after his brother had been put in the hospital and wanting revenge on the team who put him there, so he then breaks into Hobbs' offices to find this information out and puts him in the hospital blows the building up, goes after Han in Tokyo and then kills him, then goes after Toretto and tries to blow up the family home while Mia, Toretto included, Brian and their son Jack are in the house, while in hospital Hobbs tells Toretto to go after Shaw, and with a little help from a black ops team led by Kurt Russell he asks him to help them retrieve a top hacker by the name of Ramsey who has developed a nifty piece of spy software called 'God's Eye' this lets anyone to hack into any software anywhere in the world and that has been kidnapped and if Toretto's team do this then they'll let them use 'God's Eye' to find Shaw. But as you can imagine nothing about this is easy, for example Ramsey's kidnapper's are all ex military, use cavlar armour piercing bullets and use decoy cars as well as a bus and drive on a tiny road to transport the hacker to their unknown destination so the only way they can get her is to reverse out of a plane while in the cars and use parachutes to get them on to the road.

Also, they then find out they have to go to Abu Dhabi to get 'God's Eye' as Ramsey sent it to a friend there and this friend then sold it to a prince who has put in in a car that he has in his penthouse and never let's the car out on the road, but just when you thought it was all over Deckard Shaw has an ambush waiting for the good guys and Brian and Toretto so they have no choice but to go back to Los Angeles and have a good old fashioned carnage ensuing street race to take Shaw down as well as those that were after Ramsey.

Ok for those of you who were looking away you can look now

With all the ridonkulous stunts in this film how on earth can you possibly raise the bar? all the stunts were crazy and I have to admit that when I was watching the film there were a lot of times that I was really holding my breath and that my palms were sweating as they were so unbelievably crazy!

But it is also reported by Realty Online that other sources seem to suggest that should there be an eighth film with Cody Walker in it, Cody wouldn't necessarily play his brother's double (again). Fans might see him as an entirely different character that's somehow related to Brian O'Connor.

Also according to 'a source' that told The MailOnline that:

" Brian O'Connor will be seen retiring, while his younger brother will join the crew as another character. Cody isn't a replacement for Paul in any way . It would be a tribute to Paul if Cody carries on the Walker name in the Fast and Furious films."

Vin Diesel has also teased on Jimmy Kimmel Live that:

" I always think of these films, multiple pictures, in advance. I think of them as trilogies..."

He then went on to say that:

"Kurt Russell came in for (Fast and Furious 7) but we really hired him because of a story that follows this, that takes place in New York."

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