
Friday 17 April 2015

Review: Hozier album a must own for all music fans!

You may or may not know that Hozier of "Take Me To Church" fame has already released his new album of the same name, and I have to say that when this album was first released that I wasn't entirely sure about getting my hands on a copy as all the stations whether it be Radio 1, Spire FM (local Salisbury radio), Jack FM or music TV 4Music or VIVA have been playing the hell out of it and I was fearing that this song was going the same way of Adele's "Someone Like You" or James Blunt's "Your Beautiful", both of these songs I think it's fair for me to say got to a point where you couldn't even wake up in the morning without hearing the song at least what felt like 14 times so you ended up hating it, so this put me off as I like the guys voice because it sounds so different and I wanted to hear what this album sounded like.

I was also a little bit wary of this album because "Take Me To Church" is a big, epic song that is a bit melancholic at the same time,-I'll plump for this as this sounds a little bit better than dreary-, so I thought what if this album just has this 1 big song and all the rest are melancholic I didn't really fancy sitting down to listening to a full album of this and then feel so depressed afterwards or what if this 1 song was the only good song on the album?...

Thankfully this wasn't the case. And it helped massively having heard the new single "Somebody New", here's the link for the video on vevo:

Also when I got my hands on a CD copy of this album I didn't want to listen to the first track as this was "Take Me To Church" and I already knew how this sounded.

I got this second single "Someone New" instantly stuck in my head and with any tune that gets stuck in my head I have to listen to the song in order to get it out of my head as for the rest of the day I can never concentrate on any task at hand. This sounded to me really old school soulful, and I feel like I need to get this off my chest but I got an email on March 7th from Vevo saying about this video but it's only now that Radio 1 are playing it and saying it's new when it's not that new and it angers me as they're radio show likes to pride itself on finding new music but to me they are obviously behind on this...this would never happen if Zane Lowe was still there!

If your like me and want to instantly listen to this when you get your hands on this album if you haven't got a copy yet it's track number 4. And you may or may not recognise that the actress Natalie Dormer from "Game Of Thrones" who plays Margaery Tyrell or you might also recognise her from a Miss Marple "Why Didn't They Ask Evans", where she played Moira who was married to a doctor that supplied drugs to a women who had in her past married one brother and had children then was posted to China but once she met his brother Jack, she fell in love and then he killed his own brother to marry her and forced her to move back to England and forced her to leave her kids behind, cut to the present and Moira and Michael planned to get into her life under different identities and to kill Jack, kill their mother, a professor who loved orchids as well as they killed a friend of Jack's who was digging into how Jack had died and it was said in a forged will that all of his money was to go to a Chinese orphanage when his friend knew him from back during World War II and he knows that he would never leave all his money to an orphanage all by injecting deadly snake venom into them.

Anyhew, I digress I love tracks number 2 and 3, track 2 is "Angel Of Small Death and The Codeine Scene" this for me sounds really folky,-I'm not sure if this is the right word here- but it really makes you want to stomp your feet and dance along to this song:

I have to say that I think it might just be me but I think "Jackie and Wilson" has a 60's 70's vibe to it, and this also gets stuck in my head just as bad as "Someone New" and I have to say that I love the big, heavy guitar sounds on this track.

"To Be Alone With You", track number 5 this for people who like there music to be energetic, but you definitely should give this song a go as it does sound a bit slow to get going but I love the chorus as love the guitar but it also sounds to me like the song on blues brothers:

I love the music from this movie and who doesn't love Elwood and Jake Blues.

Anyway, I love track "From Eden", I know that this name and the lyrics are a bit dark such as "Honey, your familiar like my mirror years ago/Idealism sits in prison/Chivalry fell on his sword/Innocence died screaming, honey ask me I should know/I slivered here from Eden just to sit outside your door", and "A picnic planned with a rope in other hand for your other man to hang from a tree..." but I think it's a really lovely song and really romantic as it sounds like the song is all about how he is like the snake from the story of eden and is a bad influence that will make the girl do bad things but the guy really wants her to be with him because the girl reminds him of something good and I really like the guitar at the start of this song:

Also I love about this song the instrumental at the end of the track sounds a bit like for me Spanish Flamenco music. This also stars in the video the actress Katie McGrath from BBC's "Merlin"

I also love "Sedated" you may or may not have heard it in the background on the advert of ITV's drama "Vera":

I like the piano in this song. I also really like "Work Song", I like the chorus to this:

In conclusion to this I think that you definitely should get yourself a copy of this as now that I think about it this album does have in my opinion a cross section of different sounding songs like folk, blues, soul and rock and now that I think about it it does sound a little bit like a "Civil Wars" album...which if you haven't heard about them by now you definitely should hear their songs.

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