
Wednesday 20 May 2015

Oh dear, RiRi is in hot water!

I've just seen this on and I have to say that this piqued my interest.

It would seem that RiRi has finally angered the Comic Book world after looking to me like a slutty riddler in her new music video for "Bitch Better Have My Money",- if you didn't see the similarities in this video to the infamous Batman character I'll help you out, she wears getting out of the helicopter in the video a oversized furry bright green coat, oversized bright green sunglasses, a tight black bandage dress (similar to the black question marks that the riddler wears on his bright green costume that for me was really brought to life by Jim Carey in the Tim Burton's Batman films, much like Jack Nicholson really made the Joker his own-god as I write this I feel like I could cringe all over as this phrase sounds so much like something you'd hear on "The X Factor"-, and thigh high pvc bright green stiletto heels-.

I also have to say that this song really is what Rihanna has said it is just a sample of a rap that one of her friends wrote and nothing like a song.

Anyhew...I digress according to DC Comics is trying now to stop Rihanna from filing a trademark that she did back in 2014 to use the name Robyn which she was going to use for a fashion, cosmetic franchise as well as an on-line non-downloadable general features magazine, as they DC Comics see that "Robyn" cuts too close to their "Robin".

According to DC Comics see that Robyn could deceive consumers into thinking that Rihanna's product may have ties to the Boy Wonder. DC Comics also argued that "Robyn" is just trying to piggback on the iconic status of Dick Grayson's alter ego. says that if Rihanna's people can't reach an agreement with DC Comics then both parties will have to fight it out in the Trademark Office to determine if "Robyn" is too dissimilar to "Robin".

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