
Sunday 8 May 2011

Django Unchained

The Spagetti Western that Quentin Tarentino will try his hand at next wants Will Smith to star in this as Django who is a freed slave who heads out to reunite with his wife eho is still in servitude and he will be accompanied by a German bounty hunter who trains him up to take on an evil plantation owner.

But there has been no official offer put on the table as yet for Will to play this role but while this is being confirmed or changed there are a whole host of studios that Tarrantino is talking with to handle who will distribute the film outside the US, and the studio who got in these talks first is 'Universal' as they distributed 'Inglorious Bastards'.

However, Samuel L Jackson will also star as another slave that is manipulative who works for the main villian Calvin Candi. But this has to be confirmed as Marvel have him locked in a contract to star in 8 films of their's.

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