
Wednesday 4 May 2011

Stephanie Meyer is at it again...with the Host

Now that her 'Twilight Saga' of books have been made into films that have been highly successful for her as well as highly addictive for everybody of all ages, the world of cinema want to make her other book 'The Host' a film too.

I have to say that I read this book and for me it was very very slow in it's pace and nothing really happened action wise unlilke in the Twilight films where there was some promise of action. But I read this on Empire Magazine's website this mornig and I have to say I was in some amount of shock as I thought straight away that production companies are only knocking this out onto cinema screens following the success that Stephanie Meyer has had with Twilight and the massive amount of press that has come about with her new film 'Red Riding Hood'.

Anyhew, I find myself rambling. Saoirse Ronan is lined up to be the lead roles. I say roles because in the book the story is that Souls have attacked Earth and people are being used as 'Host's' for these Souls so as for them to survive. These Souls have been described as small headed things with long tentacles that wrap themselves down the spine's of the Host and takes them over, but as well as this they wipe out the memories of the host. But this is when things go ascew... the other lead role that she will be playing is Wanderer who takes over Melanie Stryder's body.

Melanie fights though and Wanderer starts to feel things that Melanie feels and starts having flashbacks of Melanie's memories before she was cornered and captured by people who were getting the 'Hosts'. Then this leads to a long drive to Chicago.

There has been no mention of who is going to direct or produce this but according to Deadline this film has been trying to get itself off the ground for some time. There was says Deadline the director of 'Gattica' Andrew Niccol s' name thrown in the mix to adapt the script as well as direct it but he dropped out, so the director of the 'Nanny McPhee' name was thrown in but she also dropped out. However, Niccol's name may be back in the mix as his project 'Now' that he dumped this for as this sci-fi adventure is nearly finished.

Also, the producers Nick Wechsler, Steve and Paula Mae Schwartz who did 'The Road' are planning to sell the distribution rights of this film at Cannes so as to give the film some publicity.

As yet there is no news on when this will start shooting or when it will be released. So this is again on the downlow, on the qt and very hush hush...

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