
Friday 9 December 2011

The Cabin in the woods!

I have seen the weirdly odd poster for this film on Empire Magazine's website yesterday, but thanks to Lionsgate's website...which I know all you movie fans out there will be dying to go on this website even if you haven't gone on this before...but I have now just seen the trailer for this not your average spooky tale of a cabin in the woods.

Here you can see that Lionsgate and Joss Whedon who produced this and co wrote the script with Drew Goddard who directed this film have tried very obviously to shake up the age old stereotypical horror scenario of a group of kids going down to the woods today and getting a very nasty surprise.

Tucker and Dale vs. Evil which is one of my newst favourite comedy horrors as it clearly has the same comedy thought process as my other all time favourite comedy horror Shaun Of The Dead...this I was very sad to see had a lot of hype written up about it as this write up of being like Shaun of The Dead must have seemed like it was setting the film up for a very big with the film Shaun of the Dead it brought it lots and lots of money and was dubbed the comedy of the year so everyone involved must have thought with a strap line like that they'd be bathing themselves in gold...but as you've already guessed the last time I bought a DVD from my local Yoevil, Dorset, England HMV I saw this DVD sitting on the shelf along with the new Will Ferrell movie 'Everything Must Go' and thank fully....'The Human Centipede II'.

I just thought after lots and lots of effort from everyone involved in the last film mentioned to get this a certificate so that it could be seen all over in every single country this must seem like a major disappointment. But I do have to admit that Splice the first human centipede film didn't get very good reviews when this was out at the cinema, I can remember a film critic saying that when he went to the cinema they had set this up to be 'the scariest film you'll ever see, you'll even be sick with how scary this is', therefore on every seat there was a sick bag, and that all it made him think of was why on earth had this film been made.

Anyhew...I know that I have just gone off topic for just a second but the story behind this is that from the trailer is that this movie does start off in the way that sooo many other films start with a group of college kids and Chris Hemsworth,-who if you ask me looks like the casting from The Vampire Diaries (casting a lot older actor to play a teenager)-, going off into the woods and getting drunk in a cabin in the middle of nowhere in the woods and weird creppy goings on start to happen and in the course of these creepy goings on people get killed...but all the way through you never fully see who or what is doing these things.

The film will be out in cinemas April 13th and if you want to have a little gander and the official website for this film then follow this link:

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