
Wednesday 21 December 2011

The Hobbit:An Unexpected Journey trailer out now!

I am soooo excited to see this as I being a huge fan of all the other Peter Jackson Lord Of The Rings films have really wanted to see what part 1 of the new Hobbit Films will look like and where the story all began.

Thankfully now that I have seen this trailer I am not disappointed as this just looks as fantastic and epic as the other films these are:

Lord: The Fellowship Of The Ring, Lord Of The Rings:The Return Of The King and Lord Of The Rings: The Two Towers. cast members

The location and the CGI that has been used in this film just is mindblowing and just adds to the fantasticality of all of the story...meaning that J.RR Tolkins' story of The  Hobbit and the battle for Middle-earth is just mindblowing and even though they are works of fiction you just can't beleive that these stories were all thought up in his mind...these stories are just pure genious!

Alright I realise that I have maybe just rambled on their but I absolutly love these films and how they have really brought to life on a massive scale the world of J.R.R Tolkins books....this for me is great as when I was at school I really really tried to read these books including the Hobbit but as they had a heafty size to them all I got was as far as the first couple of pages and I have to say from these I instantly fell in love with the books, but after these few pages I'd get frustrated as I'd get busy and have no time to kick back and relax and read these books...well to be honest this is the only way to read any kind of books!

Anyhew the trailer for this first part of the Hobbit:An Unexpected Journey is now out thankfully on the official page of Lord Of The Rings Facebook page, but it is also on Apple and its also now on Youtube, here is trailer for the trailer for your perusing pleasure:

Guillermo del Toro is also one of writers on this film so you can imagine from other films that he has done such as the amazingly spooky Pans Laberinth, that this is a dream match up as both him and Peter Jackson who as from these sets of films and King Kong (another Peter Jackson film), he never does things by halves and does things big scale so as to create the biggest and bestest visual impact possible...these qualities are what makes him and Guillermo del Toro two of the very few directors that if you were an actor or actress that would want to work with.

Peter Jackson also directed this film, bit as well as writing this film with Guillermo del Toro he also wrote this with Fran Walsh and Philippa Boyens.

Like much of the cast for the new Expendables movie some of the cast have come back for this movie such as:o

Hugo Weaving
Ian McKellan
Elijah Wood
Andy Serkis as you may have already guessed will be back as Gollum
Orlando Bloom
Cate Blanchette
Ian Holm (if the name doesn't instantly pop out at you, I will fill in the blanks for you...he was in the Fellowship Of The Ring as the old Bilbo Baggins and he has also been in From Hell as the Royal Familys' doctor)
Christopher Lee

and there are some new faces to add to this list:

Richard Armitage (he was most recently in Captain America as the Nazi Spy who sits in on Chris Evans becoming Captain America, also you might have seen him in BBC One's Sppoks as Lucas).
Evangeline Lily (was most famously in Lost as Jack's love interest and in an odd bit of Hobbit trivia was dating Dominic Monoghan who was the rockstar Charlie in Lost but in the Fellowship Of The Ring he was Pip

I seriously can't wait for this to hit cinemas on December 14th 2012...still pinching myself that this will be available to watch next year as I thought for sure it would be out in 2013/14.

The story behind this is:

Young Bilbo Baggins (Martin Freedman) is approached out of the blue by Gandalph the Grey to join in in an epic journey to reclaim the lost Dwarf Kingdom Of Erebor which was long ago conquered by the dragon Smaug. Here he finds himself part of a company of 13 dwarves led by the legendary warrior Theorin Oakenshield. The journey to this lost Kingdom takes them east but to get their they must go through the trecherous terrain swarming with Orcs, Goblins, deadly Wargs, giant Spiders, Sorcerers and Shapeshifters.

Bilbo also here in the wastelands of the lonely Mountain in the goblin tunnels on the shores of an underground lake on his own he meets Gollum and discovers the ring that hhas ties to the fate of Middle earth in ways that Bilbo cannot even imagine.

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