
Tuesday 20 December 2011

It's finally here!....The Dark Knight Rises trailer!

Litterally I am up on the roof of my ceiling right now with how excited I am...maybe a little bit more excited about this piece of Batman news than I am about Christmas at the moment.

I saw this new trailer on Orange's website and now that it's here I cannot wait for next year when it comes out...and so that all you Batman fans out there can see this for yourselves here is the trailer that is now along with other exciting new film trailers below:

I think now that I have seen this I will find it very hard to get back to my humdrum boring working day...but to be honest now that it is coming up to Christmas who on earth is properly putting in the hours to work at their work offices...I think this week has been officially taken over by the mad panic of Christmas, Hooray!

And now this trailer is out I think I am alright in saying that this has added to the overdosing of Christmas excitement that I have been feeling all this week.

I do have to say though that now I have seen this trailer, I do feel a little bit bad for Tom Hardy who plays Bane as it can't have been very easy working with that thing on your face all day everyday of shooting this movie,and even though the mask was there to give the effect of scaring the audiences I still think that,-this is just my opinion on this so don't judge me,- you can't here what the bloody hell he is saying very clearly...but hay-ho let's just run with this as Christopher Nolan has obviously had a clear vision in what he wanted to do for his last outing of the Batman set of films.

But I do have to say this making Bane have gas canisters and a mask on him along with a walking stick has probably been done so as to fill in the blanks of why Bane is a terrorist. But this was done in James Bond:Casino Royale with Le Chiffre...but a bad guy is still a bad guy in a movie to me.

And in case you still haven't got it into your head yet when this movie comes out it's July 20th thankfully that's not long to wait now, thank god I feel like I've been waiting a century for this last Christopher Nolan Bat-film to come out...but then again it probably feels that way because of all the long overdue updates about the film.

For more and probably the near to last updates from this last Batman film is in the new issue of Empire Magazine...this new issue of Empire in case your like me and act like a kid on Christmas day when this Magazine comes has the new look Spiderman on the keep your eyes peeled for this!

Hopefully this adds to your Christmas excitement!

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