
Monday 5 December 2011

oh no! Who thought it was alright to redo Starship Troopers!

In shock and horror I read this on Empire Magazine's website...according to Vulture Neal Moritz who is a great producer of Sony Pictures movies has decided that the time has come for a dusting off  of the 1997 Starship Troopers scifi film.

If you haven't heard of this film then thank god! You have done well to never ever see this!

I unfortunatly have had the somewhat unpleasant time of seeing this film, I stupidly now that I look back on how I saw this thought as I was very ill one day that this could be interesting as I like all that is described as wrong I was!

But this film definitly was interesting just not in the way that you hope from a film that you take time out of your day to watch.

Anyhew...if your in the dark about this I desperatly urge you to stay in the dark about this as it is for all intents and purposes an aweful film.

So why, oh why did someone need to remake this I hear you say....well I don't know the answer to this but all I can say is that Neal Moritz is very nuts for doing this.

Anyhew...Neal Moritz has hired the writers of X:Men:First Class and Thor Zack Stentz and Edward Miller, to try and write a script to pull this piece of watchable fluff-I say this is watchable fluff because if your really drunk or hung over these are the best circumstances to watch this as you will instantly forget your watching this or that you have watched this-.

But this was no doubt however no real stretch for Neal Moritz as he has already produced the remake of Total Recall with Colin Farrel in,-which is another Paul Verhoevan film that is getting remade along with Robocop-.

In case you haven't heard about that there were rumours going around that Jose Padilha (who is directing this) wants Michael Fassbender as this, and there will be a novice who has been given the responsibility of writing this script...Josh Zetumer.

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