
Friday 23 December 2011

Rihanna's 'You da one' video out now

Thanks to Twitter the video for 'You da one' has come out today, here it is for your perusing joy:

The song is catchy, I'll give it that but to be honest I don't really get what the point is of her wearing skimpy clothes rolling around on the floor in a white catsuit and well as at one point in the video puffing out a smoke ring...this may make me sound a bit of an old fart rather than a 21yr old but this to me has no real reason for being in a love song...but then again this is a Rihanna love song so I guess that this was never going to be the conventional soppy, lovey-dovey songs that you can sometimes hear on the radio.

I probably think that like most bands that this is just the first video and when or if this song gets played the hell out of on lots of radio shows which equals lots and lots of money then probably the record label will want to reshoot the video...or maybe just tinker with it a little as I think the black ands white shot of Rihanna dancing behind the scenes of an obvious stage show is a probably where most of the tinkering should take place.

I think maybe I've probably rubbished this new music video from Rihanna, but to be honest this video to me just feels like the rest of them...writhing around on the floor, but if you are a rihanna fan then this might get you a bit angry but I'd suggest that it doesn't really matter and this is just one person's opinion.

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