
Tuesday 20 December 2011

Daniel Craig might be on for five more Bonds!

Thanks to Orange's website, Michael G. Wilson-one of the producers of the James Bond series of  films-, has given an interview with American Magazine The People saying that he would:

" Daniel to surpass Roger's record and do eight pictures..."

So if Michael G. Wilson gets his way then we the audience could be seeing more of Daniel Craig as James Bond...but I do have to say though that as I am such a big fan of 007 I have been know to try at least the Vodka Martini's shaken of course never stirred but if Daniel Craig sticks around for more James Bond Duty then hopefully this will give me more of an excuse to be drinking these!

Anyhew...Michael G. Wilson wasn't finished giving this golden nougat of information about the James Bond films as he also was singing his praise for Daniel Craig, saying that:

"Daniel's been a terrific Bond, a superb actor and a terrific man. The fans love him and I don't think there's a better actor to play the part".

He also said of Daniel Craig that:

" Daniel's been an absolute pleasure to be around because he takes the role so seriously . There's really no one more passionate about making these films work than him-he's a filmmaker's dream".

This sounds great to me that when your on a film set you actually have an actor or actress who is so passionate about the always is nice to hear that you don't have a bunch of actors that just think that their going to do a film to get an award out of it or to get more money in their back pocket.

But I wouldn't get excited about this news just yet as right now Daniel Craig and co are in the middle of shooting the latest 007 Skyfall movie and Michael G. Wilson has said that:

"It's certainly something we'll be discussing with him once we finish shooting Skyfall".

So at the moment all fans of James Bond should just cross your fingers and pray that Daniel Craig says yes to this prolonged outing as James Bond and lets hope to god that Daniel Craig doesn't go down the same route as George Lazenby...(all hard core fans of James Bond will know what I'm talking about, but if you don't know what I'm talking about then I'll fill in the dots for you...George Lazenby was James Bond but only ever did one film James Bond:On Her Majesty's Secret Service).

 Also other exciting Bond news is in this same interview Michael G.Wilson let slip what the tone of Skyfall will be, saying that:

"The director Sam Mendes and Daniel are taking it back to a 60's feel-more Sean. I think that's what the fans wanted. There's a magical Goldfinger feel surrounding it all. It's all very exciting..."

This does sound really exciting to me as I love all the Sean Connery James Bond films especially Goldfinger as it was the first time you got to see who was going to be this character who was suppose to be MI6's best secret agent,...and I do have to say from Goldfinger there is that classic line of:

"...Do you expect me to talk Goldfinger..."
"No Mr. Bond I expect you to die".

And if I'm honest Sean Connery as James Bond was more believable as a ladies man who was swarve and sophisticated but at the same time was handy with a Walther PPK than Roger Moore and Timothy Dalton. coincide with James Bond: Skyfall being released on October 26th 2012 there will be an extravagant event that will feature all the past James Bond's, these are:

Sean Connery
George Lazenby
Roger Moore
Timothy Dalton
Pierce Brosnan and not forgetting
Daniel Craig

If I had to hazard a guess, I bet that this 'extravagant event' might be the 2012 50th anniversary of the James Bond films.

Other than this guess for what the 50th anniversary event will entail all that has definitely been said about these celebrations are going to be big.

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