
Friday 23 December 2011

More Batman:The Dark Knight Rises news!

According to the Hollywood Reporter there are some problems with Batman's new villain Bane.

At the moment The Dark Knight Rises is in post production as all you Bat fans out there including me have by no doubt seen the new brand spanking trailer for this film that is out on July 20th 2012, but there is a major problem that both Christopher Nolan and Warner Bros. both have run into that needs to be addressed sooner rather than later.

Apparently in the extended prologue of the Dark Knight Rises that is shown in the special IMAX screenings of this that is before the film Mission Impossible:Ghost Potocol there is some issues with the sound of one of the newest villains in the new Batman:The Dark Knight Rises film,-Bane-.

As you would imagine having Tom Hardy who plays Bane in this movie wear a mask that covers all of his mouth as the back story to the character is he constantly is in pain due to an injury and there are two gas cannisters on his back that have two pipes running into the mask to give him pain relief as he cannot live without gas.

I got this intel from an earlier newspaper report with the costume designer for this film reporting this...but I just thought that gas if he was constantly breathing this in then you could say that this sends him a bit mental and this coupled with being high on pain really isn't a good combo...well not for a terrorist anyway!

Anyhew...According to The Hollywood Reporter:

"Some audience members are grumbling that they can't understand what Baine, the villain in the final installment of the Christopher Nolan-helmed trilogy is saying...".

Warner Bros. as you can imagine are very aware of this problem as they are distributing this film and the last Batman film grossed more than $1 billion and this could pose a problem as the more cinemas that buy this the more people will go to the cinemas and watch this and this all equates to lots and lots of money...therefore you can understand why Warner Bros.

"...don't want anything to tamper with Rises chances for success..."

Therefore as The Hollywood Reporter says:

"Sources also say some at Warners would like Nolan to change the sound mix..."

But The Hollywood Reporter says Christopher Nolan who has created more fantastic films other than this set of films such as Inception,-which I think I have just got what the whole thing was about, but if it is not what I think its about then I'm completly fucked and have no idea what it is all about but I'll give it a shot...I think it is about is the effect that dreams have on you and how your brain can make any situation in your dreams seem real and there are those who are deemed 'architects' that are more powerful with designing dreams and and they therefore know how to wake up from them i.e 'the kick' (in the film), and the consequences of dreaming all the time is that like them you'll need a toy or something to let you know what is a dream and what is real-.

Has told executives at Warner Bros. that he'll plan to:

"...only to alter the sound slightly, not to rework it completly..."

"Chris wants the audience to catch up and participate rather than push everything at them. He doesn't dumb things down", said a high-level exec at Warner Bros.

But The Reporter also quoted from an interview with Christopher Nolan on the 8th December at another press event that:

"It is OK for a moviegoer not to understand what was being said at times, as long as the overall idea was conveyed ".

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