
Monday 12 December 2011

Just when you thought that you'd got up to date on all your gadgets along comes another one

Just the other day I was reading this on Empire Magazine's website...and the name I have given this blog post was my first thought when I was reading this.

UV or Ultraviolet is the way of the future apparently. According to Wikipedia this system is a system that allows you to download movies via downloading to download these films to one place and then if they want they can see this film that they have either downloaded or streamed on either their computer, smart phone apps, set top boxes and eventually games consoles and TV's themselves.

Also with the UV service you can integrate this with other services and websites so you don't need to bookmark this in order to come back to it.

All you need to do is download or stream your film collection to one virtual library and then you can see these on anything you want.

All in all the studios, Samsung and broadcasters like BBC have come together to help people like you and me who love their films and probably not like me have a very very big film library that is spread over three seperate libraries (these are all DVD libraries though), and when you download any film you have to create a download library then put it in their and then if you want you have to watch it on the I'm thinking that this may be a really groundbreaking thing.

But with Ultraviolet all you need is do have one virtual library to download or stream your films to and hey presto your all set to watch these films anywhere you want.

To get this you can buy a UV branded DVD and inside this there is code that you need in order to access a digital copy of the film within your library.

This piece of high end tech that is intended to future proof all film downloads and streaming has already been showcased in America in October and we here in Britain will get this on Boxing Day...oh this will be exciting this is the same day as Mission Impossible so this could be an idea to be the first download that makes it into British homes all over...but as I am a big fan of all the Mission Impossible films this probably isn't such a good idea as if there are still some glitches in the technology then this could be a disaster and it could ultimately ruin your viewing pleasure of Mission Impossible:Ghost Protocol.

The first film that will be out that we'll be roled out as kind of a guinea pig for this new technology is the new Final Destination 5 film...god will this series of films ever die with dignity!

Warner Bros. Senior VP and MD, Chris Law said in the official statement from the studio that:

"By making Final Destination 5 and all future Warner Bros. theatrical new releases titles UV  enabled, we are offering consumers a simple and more compelling way to purchase, manage, access and share their movie collections digitally. This is just the first step, I'm confident we'll be seeing more and more compatible contents and services launching in the coming months"

But don't throw out your DVD's and Bluerays just yet!

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