
Monday 12 December 2011

Zack Efron's possible saving grace!

After New Year's Eve which eventhough it has topped the US Box Office it to me still looks like a "pass me the sick bucket please!" film that has a lot of actors and actresses in that have either not done anything for a while movie wise or in the case of Leah Michelle...needs to get out of the Glee TV series before people start to think why on earth is she still playing a child eventhough she has done lots of magazine shoots and other things, so therefore she is thinking about moving on from the TV series.

But I can tell you why she must be still in the Glee TV series still...lots and lots of money.

So, this film although on the face of things looks absolutly shit and other films that I've seen with a very long list of actors and actresses in like 'Valentines Day' have bombed even though there has been a lot of hype with there obviously being a list longer than my arm of actors and actresses cast in them.

There is a new Nicolas Sparks book that will be adapted to film with the High School Musical actor in....this as you can imagine is a drama but still goes down the same route as all the other Nicholas Sparks books like: "The Notebook" and "Dear John", if you haven't guessed what this route is it is romance and also these two adapted films were really popular and if I'm not mistaken both of the films got a lot of press off the back of them and I know for sure that I have to say that I am a fan of The Notebook...but this film though still has a Dear John vibe towards it as the story for the film is:

Zac Efron plays Logan Thibault a U.S marine Sergent who comes home from his third tour of Iraq with the one thing he credits as his "lucky charm" (this being a picture of a women).

So when he comes home he goes in search of this women that he doesn't know, but he later finds out her name and where she lives and he therefore ends up on her doorstep and takes a job at her family run even I'm reading this synopsis of the film on's website and this to me sounds at the moment like it's not a very romantic story line and more like a really creepy one where Zac Efron's character could be percieved more as a stalker than someone who feels compelled to find out who she is so he can say thank you to her for being his "good luck charm"...but I do have to admit that this does sound a little bit weird.

Taylor Schil1ing plays Beth (the "good luck charm"), and despite all the complications in her life still manages to fall in love with him.

If you want to see the trailer for this at your viewing pleasure then go to this link below:

The film is directed by award winning R rated writer and director Scott Hicks...if your like me and do not speak the language of R rated then it means restricted films/films that are rated 18 and that all you movie goers by now know the drill of you have to be that age or above to see the film or you need to take a parent or an adult with you to see the movie.

Other films that Scott Hicks has done are "Shine" and "No Reservations", and this is written by Will Fetters.

In case your wondering this film is out on April 20th 2012.

So we'll have to see if this film lives up to this hype as I have just thought that the reason Zac Efron is in this is because he is probably banking on all the hype and publicity of the film so that he can get lots and lots of money or if he's lucky because this is a Nicholas Sparks adapted film it might even make it to a few award nominations. this space then

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