
Monday 5 December 2011

John Carter trailer hits!

The other day I was doing my usual perusing of Empire Magazine's website to see what new film news was just over the cinematic horizon...couldn't resist!

And there it was John Carter trailer had managed to find it's way onto the world wide web...this looks amazing to me and very reminiscent of George Lucas's Star Wars Episode I:The Phantom Menance as you will no doubtedly see from the trailer below:

All the CGI is absolutly looks like this could be the new Star Wars as it looks just that fantastic and no doubt that to create this amazing looking other world Barsoom and it's weird looking inhabitants...I only say weird as for years we have been looking for life out there in space, these could be the jolly little green men from outer space that everyone talks about...(this is a joke so if you read this thinking I have lost the plot you are very wrong indeed).

Anyhew...this must have had a very large budget in mind for all the CGI to be used in the film to create this world and it no doubt took a very long time to make everything work in the film and to get the end result such as this.

As Wikipedia has just informed me John Carter was if you are like me and not sure whether he was a comic book character before this big budget all out action packed film from Disney came along...then I will help fill in the blanks, John Carter was a character that first featured in Edger Rice Burrough's series of books called the 'Barsoom' series...and the first book in which this character was in was a book called "A Princess of Mars".

This though has thankfully been done big budget style and has all the things that come with this...CGI, with a little bit of a stereotypical story of guy gets involved in a battle between good and evil and then while he is involved in the fight he finds a girl to fall in love un-original!

But the story for this is a dispirited US Civil War veteran finds himself suddenly transported to Barsoom (another planet), once there he finds friends like the Barsoom inhabitant Tars Tarkas (this will be voiced by Willem Defoe), and enemies Matei Shang (this will be played by Mark Strong, you'll no doubtedly recognise him from Sherlock Holmes as he played Lord Blackwood).

Here there is a power struggle going on between these two and as stated previously this he gets involved and fights with the inhabitants of Barsoom.

This should be a success for the box office as the director of this film is Andrew Stanton...who you might remember was the director for the other successful Disney film WALL-E and Finding Nemo.

Well...we will just have to see if this comes true and finally knocks the new Twilight Saga:Breaking Dawn Part I off the top spot of the box office as this at the moment is sitting pretty at the top of the box...another pun that I just couldn't resist!

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