
Monday 6 February 2012

21 Jump Street new teaser trailer!

Finally after many months of seeing this trailer for the new comedy 21 Jump Street that all Johnny Depp fans will instantly recognise as the TV series that he did.

Finally there is a trailer on that was uploaded to their website yesterday:

Here is the link for the trailer below:

This though I have to say looks like a watered down version that I saw around christmas time and this may sound a very long time to not write a post about this what looks like a hilarious new comedy starring Jonah Hill and Channing Tatum but I couldn't find anywhere via the usual routes where I get trailers from i.e Youtube, Apple or Yahoo! the actual trailer till today...and as you can imagine that got me very frustrated!

Phil Lord and Christopher Miller will direct and Jonah Hill and Michael Bacall wrote what looks to be like a very comical version of 'Never Been Kissed' except this time this is more 21st Century and there a two undercover police officers pretending to be teenagers instead of a journalist that is played by Drew Barrymore pretendeing to be a teenager so as to write a pathetic story for the paper about 'what today's teenagers are like'.

I do have to say though with the back story of Jonah Hill's character Schmit and Channing Tatum's character Jenko joining the police force after high school so as to to leave their teenage problems behind, but they are then assigned to join the undercover Jump Street force that wants them to go undercover in their old high school to crack a drugs ring using their still youthful appearances, I was very sceptical as to how this would be as this film is described an action/comedy and not just purely a comedy film as well as having the preconcieved idea that the story of going into a high school undercover had already been done before with 'Never Been Kissed'...but I then saw the teaser trailer for this and I have to say that I thought this was hilarious.

To me this film does look like it is just a comedy but it does look like there are some elements of the awesome comedy 'Wedding Crashes'....and that there may be a bit of action but not so much hardcore action so as to detract from the comedy.

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