
Tuesday 7 February 2012

It's not another teaser, this time it's official...The Amazing Spiderman Trailer!

Unlike the one that I posted yesterday...there is up on today and according to Empire Magazine this is an official trailer! Hooray!

Like I said yesterday this is definitly a stand alone Spidey film from Marc Webb and unlike the one I put up yesterday which didn't really show any of Spiderman putting his skills on know taking run and jumps off buildings while using his webs as sort of safety nets to stop him falling, it just showed more of Peter Parker being a bit of a mystery and him not really knowing what happened to his parents...therefore it teased (sorry for the pun but it wasn't intentional) at there being more of a mystery to this film than the Sam Raimi Spidey films.

But I do have to say that when I read on Empire Magazine's website that Dennis Leary who plays George Stacey who is Spideys/Peter Parker's foe and in-law I was a bit baffled because if this is the surname of the girl that Peter Parker is 'married' to then there obviously no MJ and where the hell did Peter Parker get this really is I think it is fair to say a stand alone film.

But it might just be me but when Spiderman runs off a building and leaps off it I found myself while watching this trailer really feeling it in my stomach...I guess this is an affect of the 3D that this film is shot in.

And thankfully mixed in with this fast paced fighting scenes and leaping off buildings there is a few jokes...aside from the awkward dinner scene with the in-laws that isn't made any better by Peter Parker arguing with his father in law.

Also unlike in the teaser we the cinemagoers get to see a lot more of the half lizard half man foe that Rhys Ifans plays...and boy does he look scary...well sort of a little version of godzilla running round the streets causing havoc.

Still though I can't wait to see this in 3D when this comes out on July 3rd 2012.  

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