
Wednesday 15 February 2012

Abraham Lincoln:Vampire has finally got a trailer!

Now I know that there seems to be a lot of Vampire vs. Werwolf films out at the mo and this isn't a situation that is made any better by Film Four having it's own week of Vampire films but this film intrigued me as it wasn't you average run of the mill vampire film.

The reasons for it not being your average run of the mill vampire film such as 'Twilight', 'Blade', 'Underworld' or 'Priest' (the last mentioned film in this list was undoubtedly one that promised so much as a vampire film as it had everything going for it that could make the film a hit such as you had it in 3D, their was a mixture of acting talents such as Karl Urban who was in 'The Chronicles of Riddick' as Vaako, Christopher Plummer who was is 'A Beautiful Mind' as Dr. Rosen,Cam Gigadet who was in 'Twilight' as James and also in 'The OC' as 'Vulcheck' and Stephan Moyer who is in 'True Blood' as 'Bill' in but it just ended up looking like someone had gone absolutly berserk as if they were a kid in a sweet shop with the CGI making this film fall down woefully) is because this piece of fiction is about Abraham Lincoln and his fight with vampires and how he documented this in a little black book.

But I saw this trailer that was out yesterday thankfully as I have been looking ever since I heard this was going to made into a film for some kind of a trailer but all I got was the posters that I have to say I am glad that the more theatrical and ominous looking one has been chosen to stay.

Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter Poster 

Also this film looks amazingly action packed and that this film is going be a bit spooky but as Tim Burton is producing this film...and I think it's fair for me to say that with the Johnny Cash narration over the trailer that this has set the film up to be one hell of a good movie fingers crossed.

I also think that the axe that Abraham Lincoln uses is one hell of a powerful axe and I find myself thinking what Leuitenant Gordan said in 'Batman Begins' 'I got get me one of those' I just realised that this sounds a bit weird and probably a bit dangerous to say this but that axe would sure make light weight of doing anything...mainly cutting through junk mail!

Timur Bekmambetov who directed 'Wanted' (that god aweful assasins film with Angelina Jolie, James McAvoy and Morgan Freeman which is getting its own sequel...why oh why is beyond me!) is directing this adaption of Seth Grahame-Smith.

The story goes that Abraham Lincoln's (Benjamin Walker) mother is killed by one of these vampires and this fuels his passion to crush them and their slave owning helpers. This features his wife Mary Todd Lincoln who is played by Mary Elizabeth Winstead, his mentor who also hunts vampires Henry Sturges who is played by Dominic Cooper and as all movies have bad guys so too does this movie, this is in the form of Rufus Sewell.

I've put up as well the internationsl trailer for you to have a gander at but if like me your interested already to see this when it comes out then it will be released into cinemas on August 2nd 2012.

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