
Tuesday 28 February 2012

NEW! Lyonheart K


This is the new renamed 'Lyonheart K' Classic Cars Factory, a Swiss company who are going to make this a tribute to Jaguar's E-type, but it will be manufactured by ' Lyonheart Cars Ltd' which has been founded just for this car to be made.

To me this looks like a Jag from the front but they've smashed this together with a Porsche 911 at the back mixed with a Ford Mustang at the side.

But now I have seen the cockpit area inside the car and although I was originally on the fence about this car and being very hesitant to even touch this car with a barge pole because when it comes to cars I like a car that has an attractability about it...unlike this car!

But I think what this car lacks in attractability outside it makes up for inside with this cream interior and wood panneling I see where the tribute to the Jaguar E- type comes in as I've only ever sat in an old Jaguar once and I do have to say that Jaguar do love a bit of wood panelling.

But with this interior it looks like your sitting inan old but not a Jaguar. And to be honest if you are in the market for a Jaguar (and this may be just me) but won't you just want to splash the cash to buy that Jag that you want rather than something that doesn't really look like one on the outside but does on the inside.

That is just stupid to buy a car on the basis of the interior, if you want to do that then you might as well as just red the interior of your house with cream furniture and wood pannelled rooms...but this I'd advise against as I have just had a mental image of a room that has all of these and it doesn't look lloks like something out of the '80's.

Anyhew...there is going to be a 5.0 litre V8 engine, carbon fibre panels and an aluminium chassis.

Nice but I still think this car is for me not my cup of tea.

But this £415,000 is not doing anything to get my excitement going about this car and it still won't convince me to buy sorry to the CEO of Classic Car Factory Robert Palm who said that:

"We want to make the 'Made in England' label into a truthful concept, not just a statement . Every part of the Lyonheart K is developed, engineered and hand-built in Covetry, England".

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