
Thursday 29 March 2012

Canon Ball!!!!!!!!!! Ron Burgundy is coming back!

Breaking news compadras....there will be a sequel to 'Achorman:the Legend of Ron Burgundy'!

I am soooo excited about this and as you can imagine it is not just me that has gone crazy at this news...if you don't believe me you should see the post on Empire Magazine's website breaking this news because they and other websites are literally using in any way shape or form quotes from this legendary one of a kind film that if you don't have this in your DVD collection at home then what the hell don't you have it already because it is sooooo god damn funny and there is not another film like it.

Anyhew...according to the statement from Paramount Pictures that Entertainment Weekly got:

"Steve Carrel and Paul Rudd (Brick and Brian if you are a massive fan of the film like I am) will definitely be coming back, though all others are still up in the air. Will Ferrel and Adam McKay will co-write the script and McKay will be back to direct. Gary Sanchez Productions will produce along with Judd Apatow Productions, and the movie is expected to get underway toward the end of the year for release in 2013 ".

As soon as I saw this as I am huge fan of 'Anchorman' (and if I might say so myself this film is on my list of must watch films when your not feeling on top of your game and you need a little pick me up, or if you just want to have a good laugh you must watch this as you'll definitly be quoting this film like I do with my sisters for a very long time) that this was the best news I had heard all day and just wanted to scream with excitement because I couldn't believe that the comedy gold from this film was going to recreated.

And in case you are pinching yourself at this news to see if it real and not just a cruel joke Adam McKay has just Tweeted that they are writing this now and plan to start shooting in February....can't wait for this!

But I as for other details on this this is all that has come out soo far so I have to say that there is no word on whether or not the other star of the show will return 'Dorothy Mantooth...she is a saint!'

Also we have no word on whether the full news team will assemble with Champ or if the whole thing will have been moved on or not...if it were up to me I would have them moved on like the format of the news show has moved on, the fashions and the haircuts but the whole newsteam mentality hasn't and Wes Mantooth's (Vince Vaughn) Numero 2 News Team still hate Ron Burgundy's...because if I remeber rightly Wes says at the end of the film to Ron (Will Ferrel) that he 'Straight out with every being in my body hate you but god damn it I respect you'.


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