
Wednesday 14 March 2012

Guess who's back...The Hives!

I'm sorry that I've not been keeping up to date on here lately but I have been away nursing a sprained wrist.

Anyhew...I've just read on Rollingstone Magazine that The Hives one of my favourite bands are all set to release a new album 'Lex Hives' in June.

I've also just heard their first single from this album that they are all set to release 'Go Right Ahead'....this is AMAZING! and just reminds me of their other AMAZING song 'Tick Tick Boom'.

I suggest that you have a little listen to this and as you can see above, this is the link for you to have a little listen to this song yourself.

This is really frustrating but the intro to this new song of theirs that it sounds like another song that I've heard...and thanks to the combination of my wonderful brain that has been brainwashed by my local radiostations Wessex FM love of all things old and nostalgic and, I have just found out what this big guitar intro.

This is if you haven't already guessed it is...drum role please!!!!!!!!!!!!

ELO-Don't bring me down. In case your wondering what this sounds like here it is:

This new song by 'The Hives' is great though as I was starting to miss their massively adrenaline pumping songs, that are for me make me remember how with every song and music video of theirs made me want to sit down next to the radio that was playing one of their songs or their videos made me stop channel hopping between Kerrang!, Q, MTV, MTV2, FIZZ, BLISS, THE BOX and NME TV and watch it as their music videos were really really good.

I think now that 'The Hives' are back it can only mean good things for music and I'm not ashamed to say it but I have missed them and will wait with baited breath for when their will be an official date for when their new album in five years (as RollingStone Magazine says, and now that I think about it that is a really really long time to be away from the music scene...bloody hell what the hell have they been doing all this time in Sweden!).

Oh well...can't be too harsh I suppose as this song really makes up for their long absense. Also if like me you are now wanting to wet your apetite and reaquaint yourself with all their awesomeness here they are below:

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