
Friday 16 March 2012

Finally sooo's finally here Dark Shadows trailer is here!

I can't believe this finally here, mainly because I am such a big fan of both Tim Bu rton and Johnny Depp, and not only this but yesterday there was a first still of Johnny Depps' 'Lone Ranger'.

This looks hilarious to me... eventhough this is suppose to be a dark gothic themed movie that is more in line with the millions of other Depp/Burton collaborations like 'Sleepy Hollow', 'Charlie and the Chocolate Factory', 'Alice in Wonderland', (these other two movies that they've done are from what I think is a different view that other people see the story and therefore no one ever thinks the story could be either retold from or told from).

Anyhew...this film had me in tears of laughter the first time I saw this trailer as again Johnny Depp is on form as Barnabus Collins who was turned into a vampire by the witch Angelique who is played by Eva Green in 1752, and no only was he turned into a vampire but he was buried alive and it was only in 1972 when he was accidently dug up that he comes back his home Collinwood Manor to see what has become of his descendents...but as you can see from this trailer they haven't amounted to a lot.

Even though this film shows Barnabus having to adjust to a very different abd strange 1972 but he still has to deal with Angelique hanging around...and I think that from the looks of this trailer that the fun is made funner by the scenes between Eva Green's character and Johnny Depps's character, especially I think the awkwardness hightens the comedy meaning that when Eva's character tries to seduce him and he likes her but as he's a vampire it's harder for him to do things.

I think here I may have got a bit ponsy but even though it is a classic trick that directors or comedy writers or comedians use-awkwardness in situations- it is very often...well I think what gets the biggest and best when you hear an old joke you hear yourself saying the punchline or you can see where someone's story is gooing but you still find yourself laughing at it...well this might just be me but still the same point applies.

Anyhew...I still can't wait to see this when it arrives in cinemas on May 11.

I just put this first still of 'The Lone Rangers'...this could be interesting but it's still Johnny Depp and I'll still go and see it when this goes to cinemas on May 13th 2013, and in case your wondering it's Arnie Hammer who will be playing the main role of John Reid.

I just thought that the facial expression of Johnny Depp in this still makes me think he still in the mind set of Captain Jack Sparrow and he's thinking 'Who on earth is this guy sat on a horse next to me and why do I have a bloody great big black crow on my head?'.

Oh this has just started back shooting with Gore Verbinski's team back working on it (this was one of the many stipulations of getting Johnny Depp to be in this movie) and Jerry Bruckheimer who will produce this it really is too early I think for me to say if this film looks like it could be a hit but whatever happens with it I think that you'll still get droves of fans and families going to see this Disney family fun adventure film.

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