
Wednesday 14 March 2012

Nissan DeltaWing goes to the 24hr race of legend...Le Mans!

Nissan DeltaWing

This is if your like me and already drooling over how cool this looks as well as sleek, small and probably this might sound a bit too petrol headed of me but this sleek, small and elogant design looks like it has been done on purpose in the Frankenstein stage of this car...pardon the pun, for making the car arodynamic (don't quote me on this spelling) i.e the sleek cut down shape and size of the car's chassy gives the car the added advantage of cutting through wind that bit faster than any other car that it takes on.

This now that I've thought about it has got me thinking that the chief engineer behind this car might come from an experienced background say Formula 1 where things like aerodynamics has to be thought about so as to help the team win over the other Formula teams and to achieve this all cars have to be tested through wind tunnels.

This is why as you can guess that this was the Formula 1 engineered car that was used in Batman the musical that had Batman face all of his enemies...and as you can see from the title of this post that it is going to go to race in Le Mans and this race if your not excited by cars like me you won't get how Le Mans is sooo exciting and is really a 24hr race where anything can happen and it usually does but it's also a race that is legendary and whoever wins it is put into the long long list of others who are now part of the history of such an awesome race...

But I have just had a thought about the unfortunate accident that Formula 1's  Robert Kubica had last year  and that ruled him out for all last Formula 1 season, so lets hope that all the proper safety precortions have been taken to stop something like this happening again.

Anyhew...the DeltaWing will be in Garage 54 and according to Top Gear this:

" a spot reserved for one-off experiental cars..."

And this Nissan DeltaWing is pretty much that an experiental car that's according to Marino Franchitti:

"It doesn't look like it's going to work...."

"...but it does. The high-speed stability was very impressive. It's mega".

This vague answer as to whether this car is actually good or not makes me think that at the head of Nissan they saw this prototype and immediatly started to have ideas that made him look like he was a kid in a sweet shop and didn't know what sweet he wanted as there are so many...well this car does get you thinking!

Anyhew...Nissan guess that the car will get around the track between LMP1 and LMP2 class pace (that's fast), and that the lap time that they want this four cylinder 1.6 litre turbo engined car to get is 3m 45secs.

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