
Thursday 21 June 2012

Jurassic Park 4 News!

Thanks to I am really excited to read that Jurassic Park has got new writers so this suggest that this which could be for Universal Studios a kickstart to a new franchise of films that they and other studios will be furiously running round like headless chickens at the moment now that the 'Twilight' franchise has come to an end as I'm betting that any film studio will want to be the first to get a new franchise up and going that can be a cash cow for them.

There had been rumours for ages that Steven Spielberg was going to  come back and make another one of these classic 'Jurassic Park' but now this might just come into fruition as Universal Pictures has got Rick Jaffa and Amanda Silver to write the script for this fourth installment of 'Jurassic Park' films that will be produced by Steven Spielberg, Kathleen Kennedy and Frank Marshall from Kennedy/Marshall.

Other than this there is not much information that is known on this new 'Jurassic Park' film but hopefully there will be more to come on this.

New Teaser trailer for Twilight:Breaking Dawn Part 2

This is thanks to is the first official trailer for 'Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 2'.

This looks very exciting but although there looks like from this trailer which I'm sure won't be the last piece of info on this last Twilight film which sees the end of Bella Swann and Edward Cullen which for the 'Twihards' will be very hard news to hear but as with everybody else they'll just have to except this and move on... but as I posted on here the other day Lionsgate who owns Summit Entertainment might just be thinking of redoing this 'franchise' of films as you'll all know by now that this for the studio has been a cash cow, that the studio has kept as much of the action from this last book as possible....YES!

I can only think that the studio has done this because it's the last film in the series of films and I would have thought that they wanted this film to go out with a bang...and why not as (if you've read the books like me you'll know this) a hell of a lot happens in this last one.

Melissa Rosenberg, Wyck Godfrey and Karen Rosenfelt and Stephanie Meyer is producing.

I looks very action packed to me but I still hope that some of the book where the big bubble features which protects everybody, Bella and Edward get a fairytale cottage made by all of Edwards family as well as she gets a power like Renesseme and Edward have...oh well I guess that I'll have to keep my fingers crossed...sorry if you haven't read the books and wanted to read these for yourself or you wanted to wait for the November 16th UK release date (for other country release dates please go to

New Sleeping Beauty 'Maleficient' film images!

Thanks to 'The Hollywood Reporter' the first images for Disney's new 3D version of 'Maleficient' which is going to be the updated 21st Century version of 'Sleeping Beauty' with a difference.

This new film will show how 'Sleeping Beauty's' villian which Angelina Jolie will be playing became the villian by showing what happened with the sorceress 'Maleficient' to harden her heart and curse Aurorer who get's put to sleep on a permanent basis on her 16th birthday...great! just what every 16 year old wants on their birthday!

MALEFICENT Angelina Jolie Still - H 2012

Anyway....this picture are just the start of what I'm sure will be many publicity shots or other things from behind the scenes of the movie which I have just read in 'The Sun' Showbiz column today is being shot in Buckinghamshire at the moment.

As you can see from this image it is clear to see that this film has taken a leaf out of the classic Walt Disney animated version that I grew up with like so many other people around the world...and if I remember correctly this is the classic look of the sorceress who on Aurorer's 16th birthday is this scene in the animated version here Aurorer goes up some steps into a room where there is a green hue that she's curious about and she finds that the green hue is coming off of a spinning wheel and as she goes up to it she pricks her finger and then falls asleep and the three pixie fairies which in this film will be played by Imelda Staunton, Juno Temple ('Year One' and 'St.Trinians' the first one)and Lesley Manville ('Another Year') try and do their best to look after her while she is asleep.

Sharlton Copley will star in the film as Stefan the half-human, half-fairy bastard son of the human king (who you'll recognise from 'The A Team' as Murdock who for me had the scene of the movie when there is the scene where 'Hannibal' and 'BA' are at the hospital and are waiting for a pilot to get them out of mexico they get chased to the helicopter on the roof and Murdock jumps on the blades of the helicopter and says the classic line 'You Spin Me Right Round Baby Right Round').

Ellie Fanning will play Aurorer who you may or may not recognise from the film 'Somewhere' that has the soundtrack done by Phoenix who sang '1901'

And if you haven't got their album 'Wolfgang Amadeus Pheonix' I strongly urge you to get this this is amazing and all the tracks are amazing!

Anyhew...I digress this film will mark the directorial debut of Robert Stromberg and will be released on March 4th 2014.

Sesame Street Getting a Movie!

I was perusing Empire Magazine's website today and I stumbled on to this piece of exciting news...well I might sound a bit childish in saying this but I do have to admit that like Empire Magazine have said that I guess this was just the next logical step once they did 'The Muppets' with Jason Segal and Amy Adams.

But I do have to say that as I grew up with 'Sesame Street' and 'The Muppets' this did get me very excited as me and my sisters favourite character of the show was 'The Cookie Monster' and my favorite character from 'The Muppets' was 'Miss.Piggy'....and I just thought that if there has been films about 'The Muppets' then why not have a 'Miss.Piggy' film as I think it would be really funny.

Anyhew...I digress and realise that I'm going off point on this.

'The Hollywood Reporter' has reported that 20th Century Fox has now bought the movie rights to 'Sesame Street' and the shows writer Joey Mazzarino has been brought on board to write the script for this film with Shaun Levy and his 21 Laps team ( Michael Aguilar and Mark Gordan) as well as Film 360 's Guymon Casady also going to be on board to produce this.

Children's Television Workshop that's now called Sesame Workshop that was behind the hit television show that has run for what seems like forever thanks to new generations of young children coming through and lets be honest with ingenius creations like 'Elmo' which is sooo cute how can you not love these characters and they also do keep things up to date with getting big names on the shows like James Blunt (they got him on back in the days when he was actually popular as well as his music before it got to be the most annoying song you've ever heard, and if you have no clue as to which song this is I will enlighten you at the risk of this getting stuck in my head and being played on a loop in my head and as I write this I can vaguely hear the guitar intro to the song, the song is called 'Your Beautiful') and David Beckham...I think this must have been done i.e as everybody is a fan of David Beckham so the show must have got him on to get a wider audience base.

But I'm betting that the day David Beckham was on the show not only children were tuning in to watch!

There are a lot of different views on this but what do you think about this...why not post your thoughts below.

Fox haven't come out with a statement about this so fingers crossed about this film going ahead and that it doesn't get put on the shelf to gather dust and cobwebs like 'Teenage Ninja Mutant Turtles'.

Tuesday 19 June 2012

Zack Farro from Paramore's new band HalfNoise has a new song!

Thanks to there is a new update on what Zack Farro did next after him and his brother Josh left Paramore.

Josh and his brother have also set up a band together called 'Novel America' that along with 'HalfNoise' that Zack has formed along with other members Dan Brigham, Canon Blue (which if you ask me sounds like a pretty cool name for a vocalist), Jason Clarke and a childhood friend.

This to me sounds really cool and they definitly have a fan in me now and I absolutly love it, but it's really annoying me as it reminds me of a some other songs but I can't for the life of me think what these other songs are!...this I know will get me annoyed all day now.

But I do have to admit that this sounds totally the polar opposite to Paramore songs which have announced that for their new album as well as all of us Paramore fans getting to listen to 'Daydreaming' Justin Meldal-Johnson (the bassist of Nine Inch Nails and Beck) is going to produce this fourth album of theirs.

Although this maybe a polar opposite to Paramore in sound I do have to admit that it sounds a bit like Zack Farro is maybe dabbling in indie music or in other kinds of music but whatever the case it does suggest that Zack Farro wanted to make a band that sounded completely different to Paramore . I just thought that if Zack Farro has done this then I think that is more appropriate than if he left the band and started another one and then did the same kind of music that Paramore are doing as I would have thought that that would be a waste of him forming a new band as there is no one who can sing or write Paramore sounding music better than Paramore.

And you might be forgiven for thinking this as Zack Farro has said to that he wanted:

" 'Free House' to be the first released to fans as it best represents my current style and creative direction in music. The song illustrates what fans can expect to hear from HalfNoise in the future"

One thing is clear though that people can expect from the band is Zack Farro has said that his new band were set on "combining the ambience of bands from Iceland with the sampling electronic electronic elements of Radiohead".

So if there next couple of tracks sound as good as this with bits of Radiohead and bands from Iceland then this could be very exciting!

Katy Perry's new video:'Wide Awake'

I have just seen the video thanks to MTV Online Chart...I have to say that I like this video as it is very Tim Burton 'Alice In Wonderland' inspired and as there is a prince charming in the video that Katy punches this has set the bloggers tongues wagging and saying that this 'Prince Charming' is suppose to be Russel Brand.

 Katy Perry: Part of Me Poster

This I think is very obvious...and I guess this will keep rumbling on forever and ever thanks to papers reading between lines and making anything out of anything that she says in interviews but as you can see at the end of this video that she is using this to promote her 3D movie 'Part Of Me' which is coming out over here in the UK on July 5th that is a day after the American release date of 4th July (for any other country release dates please go to I think that with her hinting in her interview with Entertainment Weekly that:

"Of course there have been a lot of things that went on last year that I had to get through and overcome and obstacles that I had to, you know, go through".

This I think is another thing that she is using to explain the struggle that comes across in this video...but I also think that she is hinting at her divorce to make her fans like her more as and for the papers to keep printing stories of her which would give her some good press right in time for this new movie of hers.

I do realise that this is may sound a bit harsh and I'm sorry to any Katy Perry fans reading this but I do have to say that I'm not a big fan of hers but I do like her gothic looking make up that she wears at the start of this is very filmic as well as it being very dramatic.

I as you can guess will not be one of the many thousands of Katy Perry fans that will be lining the cinemas to go see this as I don't really see the point of this being in 3D as it will only be just like a music film that shows her on tour and behind the scenes and it will definitely won't be like the amazing 'Talihina Sky' music film by 'Kings Of Leon'. So why on earth bother with 3D technology for this as I don't see how this would increase or heighten the cinema experience for any Katy Perry fan going to see this film.

Their back! Muse have a new album!

Thank the lord! I am a massive fan of Muse and the other day I was reading Rollingstone Magazine and now that I am making this post I can't find this news on their website to confirm this piece of glorious Muse news, but now I've been on's website and I can now confirm the facts of this story.

There will be a sixth studio album which is from the trailer for the album looks likes it's going to called ''2nd Law"...and this sounds very much like Muse are back at their best with an added Dubstep touch to Muse's music which suggests that Muse have yet again have reinvented their sound again like they did on 'Black Holes and Revolations' but have kept it very true to their roots i.e this is what (I think anyway) they have done their whole entire career which is explore different sounds and ways to make amazing Muse music.

And by this short trailer for their new album it's not hard to see that Muse have done this reinvention in sound again...and to be honest I love this new sound and I hope that this is an actual track on the album and not just a sound bite of music that has been orchestrated for the making of this trailer, I urge you to see this if you haven't seen it yet as the track as well as all the other action that is going on in the background of the trailer:

Chris Wolstenholme has said that on this album the band wanted to do "something radically different" and now that I've seen this trailer for their new album which if you ask me sounds like it's going to sound so amazing and I am really excited to hear any of the tracks from this album when it's been released.

Apart from this trailer and these little titbits of information not very much else is known about this album...but what is also known is that Muse are working on an orchestral score with David Campbell who's previously worked on the U2 Spiderman musical 'Spiderman:Turn Off The Dark'.

Seriously can't wait for this...I feel like a kid waiting for Christmas to come!

Maroon 5's new song!

Thanks to Rollingstone Magazine I have just heard the new single from Maroon 5's new album that's out on June 26th called 'One More Night'.

Here's the link above for you to have a listen to...and I definitly think that you should as this I think it's fair to say it is another must listen to song like their last one 'Payphone ft Whiz Khalif'. And I have to be honest this song is already making me want to listen to this again and again so it's safe to say that this song is now going to be in my head...which is good as I am a fan of Maroon 5.

But now that I think of their track 'Payphone' this has now stuck in my head!

Rollingstone has called this track from their 'Overexposed' album as:

"....a reggae-inflected dance floor jam that's sure to inspire sing-alongs..."

I have to agree with this but I think that this will definitly be now on my summer party playlist, and I can really see this tune being played very loudly from all car radios as this (for me anyway) makes me think that I'm at a beach party somewhere like Nikki Beach sipping on some lovely Mojitos....YUM! and this will definitly liven up any party that you have this summer as this coupled with the other exciting news that this July my favourite band 'No Doubt' are coming back with their sixth album 'Push and Shove'...I really can't wait to hear this along with their new single 'Settle Down'.

If you haven't seen it yet...and I can't see why you haven't yet but 'No Doubt' put up their first Webisode talking about this exciting comeback as well as an introduction to 'Push and Shove'.

If you want to pre-order this album before it's out and if your like me and already are addicted to 'Payphone' as well as 'One More Night' then you can head over to Itunes now!

Monday 18 June 2012

Can it be true Twilight is getting rebooted?!

Here's the confusing part...according to 'Bloody Disgusting' Rob Friedman Summit Entertainment Co-Chairman has said on these rumours of a possible remake of this franchise that:

"We are not remaking Twilight. We will happily support Stephanie Meyer if she decides to proceed in any way. But this will be the last one unless that should change".

But 'Bloody Disgusting' also have mentioned that in some interviews Stephanie Meyers has mentioned that in some interviews she wouldn't mind seeing a reboot.

So it sounds like this could be a possibility for both Lionsgate and Summit Entertainment as this series of films has been for Lionsgate which owns Summit a cash cow...but here is where it gets confusing as Deadline has weighed into these rumours and Summit Entertainment have rung up Deadline and has publicly denied these rumours of a reboot.

So this may or may not happen but I just thought that Lionsgate could be making very loud noises saying No when in actual fact they are thinking about redoing this series...but I just thought how if this is actually happening could Lionsgate redo this as the rule of thumb seems to be that nothing is ever as good as the original (with the exception of Christopher Nolan's 'Batman' as the original Tim Burton films were amazing and Christopher Nolan seems to have made the remake of 'Batman' more amazing than these ones) and any film that I've seen that has a really good first film then goes onto try and make a franchise from the first film it tends to go down the toilet...examples of these are:

  • I hate to say this but 'Blade'-the first one I loved all the story along with the samuri sword fighting but it seemed to go down less and less in intensity and action right down to 'Blade:Trinity'. I have to be honest here but even though I always watch 'Blade:Trinity' whenever it's on TV but all the intensity went in this and was found again I think in the big fight scene at the end of the movie.
  • Resident Evil the other films you can watch them but their not as good as the first.
  • I know this is going to offend some Twilight fans but I watched the first and I thought this was a really good set up to the whole other films in the franchise but then I saw the movie of the second one after I had read the rest of the books and I thought that although the music was still really good in the film I thought that it was lacking something and I do have to say it probably says more about me but once I saw 'Vampire's Suck' I absolutly loved this and became a fan of this...but I'm still going to watch the last breaking dawn part that is going to have a second 10 seconds teaser trailer  available to download on Tuesday 19th June at 5:30 am PDT/ 8:30am EDT, then they'll be a full teaser trailer for your downloading pleasure on Wednesday 20th June 5:30 am PDT/8:30am EDT.
  • Mission Impossible:III- I absolutly loved the first movie it has the classic scene of Tom Cruise being dangled from the ventilation system in the FBI HQ to steal the 'Knock List' and then their was the a amazing scene at the fish restaurant with the red light greenlight chewing gum but this the second one was really good as well and this just lost the plot as it seemed to me that all the intensity was taken out...and then luckily put back in for 'Mission Impossible:Ghost Protocol'. 
I could go on and on and I'm sure there are a few that you can think of but I digress.

Anyhew it may or may not happen but it looks like Lionsgate have thought about this possibly of this happening.

Resident Evil Retribution new trailer out!

Thanks to Empire Magazine today the new Resident Evil:Retribution trailer has premiered on Yahoo!.com feel free to have a butchers at this it is well worth the look:

It all looks really good to me and looks like it might be back on a par with the first in the Resident Evil film series directed by Paul WS Anderson....YES! THANK YOU VERY MUCH! This for me had all the action, thriller and scares that you want from this kind of film that's filled with zombies that have been created by the Umbrella Corporation and their creation of the deadly T-virus...I think it's fair to say that the first 'Resident Evil' film and the second one are classic thriller films as they have for me anyway is all the build up to some of the scary bits where you don't expect how scary the scary bits are going to be when they happen like in the first resident evil when Alice and one of the guys from the team that's been sent in to shutdown 'The Hive' as 'The Umbrella Corporation' spins it to look like the computer has gone crazy and that before anything happens 'The Hive' has to be shutdown, that have been locked in the room before they got to the computer to destroy the computer that had shut 'The Hive' down as soon as the T-virus got out of the laboratory so that nothing goes in or out as no one knew of the side effects...but the way it's filmed you can feel that something bad is going to happen when they find out that the computer is guarded by lasers but you (the audience) don't think that it'll end up with the laser going  in a grid formation and slitting him into a million pieces, or in the second film 'Resident Evil: Apocolypse' Alice and two members from 'The Stars' and a journalist get attacked in a church by two mutant animals and they are forced outside and before one of 'The Stars' members gets turned into a zombie there is a underpass on the road their on and Alice says:

"There's something down there"

And you (the audience) know that what's down there isn't going to be good but what you don't expect is this huge monster that's programmed to kill Alice and that it's got two huge automatic machine guns and has one eye stapled shut...nor do you expect the twist at the end that this monster is Matt from the first film that was scratched at the end of the first film.

Sorry if there are still some of you who haven't seen these films...if you haven't seen these yet I urge you to see these films but 'Resident Evil:Redemption' and 'Resident Evil:Afterlife' are good but just not as good as the first two films. 

I do realise that I may have rambled on here a bit here but I'm sorry!

Anyhew...I can't wait for this when it hits UK cinemas on 28th September 2012 and I think that I'm going to be putting this date in my diary or if it doesn't get to go to cinema's heaven forbid like 'Underworld:Awakening' did I will be definitely purchasing this.

OMG! The First 'Bourne Legacy' Theatrical Trailer is out!

I have just seen this and it looks amazing! this I have to say has got me very excited as I am a huge fan of the 'Bourne' films and this looks like it definitely will not disappoint any other 'Jason Bourne' fans or any fans of action films....but as this is only just the first theatrical trailer for 'Jason Bourne' I'm not going to hold my breath that this will be the only one that looks amazing with amazing action sequences in.

It looks like Tony Guilroy has carried on the high octane hand to hand to hand combat action sequences that started in 'The Bourne Identity' with Matt Damon as Jason Bourne and that was carried through all of the 'Bourne' films...which I have to say that was one of the many reasons why I became a fan of these films and when I heard that Matt Damon wasn't going to be in this film I thought that all the best action sequences like the one in 'The Bourne Identity' with Matt Damon fighting off another Treadstone assassin in his Paris apartment with a Biro (this I have to say is one of my best fight scenes from these movies) and and the fast pace of these action sequences which brought all the excitement to the storyline of these films was going to be lost...I  am happy to say that this film 'The Bourne Legacy' doesn't disappoint in this area!

And as you can see from this trailer the filmmakers have carried on the story of Treadstone and Jason Bourne which if you ask me makes it look like the filmmakers have put his picture up to say to film audiences 'Yes we know Matt Damon isn't in the film but we've put a picture of him in the film and we've moved the storyline on a bit so we haven't forgotten him even though he isn't here'. I just thought as I read Matt Damon's GQ interview about how he couldn't be in the movie as he had a million other films that he was involved with at the same time as 'The Bourne Legacy' was starting shooting at, and at some point he would love to go back to the Bourne movies and that this they had to do something different with this movie as they (Tony Guiroy and Matt Damon) had pushed the amnesia story to its limits, that if there was a point where there was a gap in Matt Damon's hectic filming schedule and he wanted to come back to Jason Bourne then with this storyline seeing Jeremy Renner and Oscar Isaacs as two new 'assets' from another Treadstone/Blackbrier FBI secret operation that have the life-or-death stakes heightened by the events of the last three films that it might be a bit difficult to write a storyline that puts him back in to the film and explains where he's been all this time without the story being the same as 'The Bourne Supremecy' where it explained he had been in India all the time with Maria and that he gets set up and she gets killed...the storyline I think has to be different for this to happen, but I also just thought that they've kind of moved forward with this storyline so if he were to come back now I think it would be kind of going back or you'd have to write something that didn't seem like it was going backwards with the story.

Anyhew...I've probably just rambled on in this last bit so I do apologise...but I still can't wait to see this movie when it comes out on 13th August (in the UK for other countries go to for release dates) and I have to say that I love the action sequences on the motorbikes and I do have to say that the action sequence in the trailer where Rachel Weisz gets trapped and shouts 'Aaron!' it looks like it could be set up for quite a comedy line with Jeremy Renner's character shouting before jumping down and saving her 'I'm coming!'.

But then again he is trying to surprise the bad guys so this probably wouldn't be a very good line to say as it would ruin this advantage or it might be seen by the scriptwriters as just a corny line to put in an action movie.

Thursday 14 June 2012

Star Trek 2 going to be shot in IMAX!

According to HitFix 'Star Trek 2' will be shot in using IMAX equipment, JJ Abrams who will be using this for the first time whilst directing a picture and according to him:

"We were so thrilled with the creative results of shooting IMAX for 'Mission Impossible:Ghost Protocol' that we jumped at the chance to use the format for 'Star Trek'....All expectations were exceeded-the action and resolution is insane at this scale. We cannot wait for audiences to see the crew of the Enterprise in a way they never have before."

This sounds like JJ Abrams who has directed the massivly big sci-fi hit 'Super 8' wants to offer something new, fun and exciting that will breath new life into this seqel...I'm glad that the team involved in the sequel for this movie are their thinking of finding new ways to refresh this sequel as I thought that the last 'Star Trek' film had a lot of visual effects and CGI for the big battle at the end of the film but I have to admit that I thought that this was a bit shit, but I do still watch this whenever this comes on the TV or Film4.

Star Trek fans and other cinemagers like me who have been waiting what seems like an age for any infomation on this sequel as last anyone heard was that the release date was having to be pushed back, will be pleased as not only will the film be shot in IMAX but all the cast from the last film Chris Pine, Zoe Saldana, Karl Urban, Zachary Quinto, Simon Pegg, Anton Yelchin and Bruce Greenwood will be coming back for this sequel with some new faces that will be coming into the fold for 'Star Trek 2', these faces being Alice Eve who was in 'Sex and The City 2' as the sexy Irish nanny for Charlotte and Harry who helped Charlotte out when she was strugglinng to look after Lilly as well as Rose when their making cupcakes and she takes them out when she sees Charlotte needing a break from looking after the children, Benedict Cumberbatch (who you may or may not recognise from the fantastically brillant and I do have to say I am a massive fan of not only the series but of all the Sherlock Holmes mysteries including my favourite 'The Hound Of The Baskheville's', this may sound very geeky but I have seen every adaption version of this mystery as I love this Sherlock Holmes mystery so much), Peter Weller who you might recognise as playing the original Robocop.

There's still no word on what the plot for this movie is but it has been confirmed by HitFix's sources that there will be a feature in this sequel from Klingons, but still the rumour that has been floating around for a while now that Benedict Cumberbatch will be playing the Enterprises adversary Khan but this for the moment is still just a rumour that will not die as there have been denials that this will happen...but these denials could just be a rouse from both JJ Abrams and Co., Paramount Pictures or Benedict Cumberbatch's people so that things are kept under wraps and secretive so as to keep the excitment for the film alive.

So this excitement will have to be kept under wraps until it's worldwide release on May 17th 2013.

New 'Twilight Saga:Breaking Dawn Part 2' pics!

I saw these yesterday and these and I have to say they got me a bit excited to see this final installment from the Twilight Saga franchise...also here is a shamless plug from me about how if your a big fan of Kristen Stewart and want to get your hair as volumous and shiny looking as hers then I have the answer, her lovely hairstylist Ken O'Rourk uses on her hair as well as to the worldwide premiere of  'Snow White & The Huntsman' uses SACHAJUAN Professional Haircare products.,,20483133_20603367,00.html#21172738

In case your wondering these are the some of the first images of Renesmee who will be played by Mackenzie Foy with the other cast of the film as well as the other new cast members who will be popping up in this film that I hope fingers crossed with all the probable added in scenes or taken out scenes that normally happens in films to make the film itself more exciting for audiences to watch and like and possibly go see over and over again that the filmmakers have left in the film that big scene at the end of the book where everyone that Carlisle knows is asked to help fight the Volturi as their tipped off about Renesemee and they get the idea that she's a vampire baby that in the vampire world isn't allowed to live but if you are like me and have read this huge book (the same size as a Harry Potter book) then you'll know that Renesemee drinks and hunts like a vampire but she is a  human and has the unique gift of being able to touch a person and show them everything that has happened and she can either do this or she can tell you but this is her perfered method of talking to a person and then there is a big kind of like a bubble that Bella creates now she's a vampire that protects everyone.

'The Host' first look pics!

Thanks to Entertainmet Weekly that the first image has now come out erof the next Stephanie Meyer book 'The Host'.


This is just the first in what I hope will be many other images that are sure to come out in the build up to those of us who read the 'Twilight Saga' books like me as well as going to see the films and are going to not know what to do with themselves when the second part of the last film comes out this will be sure to fill the void.

But if you are like me and want to read this book before you see the film...DON'T! my parents brought me this book as I am a fan of the Twilight films but it's not nothing like the 'Twilight Saga' it's much slower the book is.

Anyhew this sneak peek first image from 'The Host' shows Saoirse Ronan who you might recognise from other movies such as 'The Lovely Bones' or 'Hanna' who is playing the joint leading parts 'Melanie/Wanderer' and Jake Abel who you might recognise from films such as 'Percy Jackson & The Olypians: The Lightning Thief' or 'I Am Four' who will be playing 'Ian O'Shea' who if your like me and have already read the books you already know the story but I'll help fill in the blanks for those of you who haven't gotten around to reading these yet:

'The Host' is set in a world that has been taken over by aliens which use human 'hosts' and have tendrils that latch onto the whole of the spinal chord of the human and they take over the humaqn and live in their own communities with other aliens but their are still a very small amount of humans who try to fight against being taken over by the aliens, and Melanie who is the main character in the book is one of these humans that is on the run with her brother Jamie who will be played by Chandler Canterbury and another human on the run which she comes across whilst on the run Jared who will be played by Max Irons who you might recognise from 'Red Ridinghood' (which he starred alongside Amanda Seyfried) and whilst on the run she gets cornered in Chicago and turned into one of these 'Hosts' but Melanie is still in Wanderer who has already travelled other planets before coming to Earth and Wanderer gets flashback memories of Melanie as well as her being able to hear Melanie i.e when in the book Meanie/Wanderer eventually goes into the desert in Chicago and finds a small community of these humans on the run that include Melanie's brother as well as Jared and Mealanie's uncle Jeb who will be played by Willian Hurt and there is a bit where Wanderer gets a bit worried as she doesn't here Meanie for a period of time and she thinks if she kisses Jared that that will get Meanie mad enough at her that she'll start talking to her again.

The book then sees all the problems that Melanie/Wanderer faces in the caves and how everyone mistrusts her as she is part alien but slowly they start to trust her and she starts to like Ian.

If you want on these same pages on Entertainment Weekly there is also an interview with Jake Abel about what it was like to be behind the scenes with writer/director Andrew Niccol as well as what it was like to collaborate with Stephanie Meyer on this movie:

If you can't wait for this next installment of Stephanie Meyer's book that has been adapted onto the cinema screen then have this date in your diary, March 29th 2013.

New Concept art from the new Pinocchio!

Yesterday while I was perusing Entertainment Weekly's website I came across some sneak peek concept art from the new 3D Guillermo del Toro's Pinocchio...and I have to say that from what I've seen so far it looks like it's going to be fantastic!

The visionary filmmaker, currently at work on his ­sci-fi monster epic Pacific Rim , is already heading into preproduction on his next directing gig: a…,,20385926_20456486,00.html#21169473

These images to me look like this film will have the Guillermo del Toro stamp on it with these images looking a bit like 'Pan's Laberinth' with these images looking like it's still going to have the look of the fantastical like that movie was with the way the story was and how it delved into a fantasy world with all the different characters but it had (for me at least when I saw 'Pan's Laberith') , so I think it's fair enough for me to say that this film will definitly have this, but it will also look fantastic as it;s not only going to be in 3D but Guillermo del Torro will be making this in my favourite way to animate a film....stop-motion! YES!

And not only this but he will be co-directing this with the animation director Mark Gustafason from 'The Fantastic Mr.Fox' which not only looked great but if I can remember rightly when this was in cinemas this proved to be a big hit with audiences and all the critics kept banging on about the animation of the film. I have to be honest that since I saw 'Wallace and Gromit' and found out that they used stop-motion to creat these movies as well as the cartoons I have been a big fan of this type of animation as the quality of animation that it creates is fantastic to me and this may be an old fashioned way to animate a film but I think that you don't get a finish like it using any other piece of modern animation tech.

I do realise that I may have just rambled on there about how bigger a fan I am of stop-motion animation so I do apologise for this.

Anyhew...I think with this stop-motion animation and it looking like it's going to have Guildersonlermo del Torro's name written all over it-even though this is just in the preproduction stages as Guillermo del Torro is still at work on 'Pacific Rim' sci-fi film which will star Idris Elba-, that its going to look nothing like Disney's which I grew up with, but to be honest I think if Guillermo del Torro, Jim Henderson Company (which is producing this movie version of Pinnochio) and Mark Gustafason were to make a 21st Century 'Pinocchio' that looked like Walt Disney's classic version then it would look like that new director has just wasted their time and the studio's money on making another Disney film...but thankfully this has been more aptly put by Mark Gustafason as he has said said what everybody is thinking:

"You cannot top Disney"

Shooting for this version of 'Pinnochio' which I can't wait to see even when their will be more sneak peek images and other info on the movie going to come out before it's release will start in the summer of 2013.

Wednesday 13 June 2012

Philip Seymour Hoffman in 'Hunger Games' Sequel

Update 10/07/2012: Entertainment Weekly has now been able to officially say now that Philip Seymore Hoffman has signed on to play Plutarch Heavensbee in 'The Hunger Games:Catching Fire' 

The Hollywood Reporter Heat Vision has now been able to confirm that Philip Seymour Hoffman who you may or may not recognise from 'The Talented Mr.Ripley' as Freddie who is friends with Dave (to give him his proper name) Jude Law who organises the skiing trip has had an official offer made from Lionsgate to play 'Plutarch Heavensbee' in the Hunger Gasmes sequel 'Catching Fire'.

If you have read the books like me then you'll already know that Plutarch Heavensbee is the new Gamemaker after the last one was murdered for letting both Katniss and Peta win the games...if you haven't gotten around to reading these books yet and are waiting to watch the films then I'm sorry for the spoiler but I promise that there is no more after this one.

Also the new director that has come into the fold to replace Gary Ross who directed 'The Hunger Games' is Francis Lawrence.

Also to open this franchise up to the European market Lionsgate has signed a deal with Universal Studios to give them the distribution right to 'Catching Fire' in Italy.

Although the director for 'Catching Fire' has been finally decided as well as Simon Beaufoy who has written the first drafts for this script Lionsgate are in talks with Michael Arndt who wrote the screenpay to the hilarious 'Little Miss Sunshine' and also wrote 'Toy Story 3' to work on a script based on these Simon Beaufoy drafts but if this deal becomes final then the rewritten script has to be done quick stitch as Jennifer Lawrence has already committed to pick up where she left off in Fox's 'X:Men: First Class' sequel which I'm so excited to see when it comes out, as well as how Lionsgate want to have an international release date for 'Catching Fire' on November 22nd 2013.

This rushed time scale is said to be one of the reasons why Gary Ross didn't want to go ahead and direct 'Catching Fire'.

Ouji Board getting a film?

When I read this today on The Hollywood Reporter's Heat Vision Blog I was a little bit confused and thinking 'How on earth is this going to work?', I was thinking this as when I was little me and my sisters went round a friends house and we got this board game out as this was the only game that we hadn't played.

According to 'Heat Vision' Hasbro and Universal Studios were working together with Michael Bay, Brad Fuller and Andrew Form from Platinum Dunes Productions to produce a board game to film adaption but dropped this in August due to concerns the studio had with the budget...but now this adaption has now been given the green light after the buget has been reconfigured and reset.

For this we have to thank Jason Blum who was behind 'Insidous' and 'Paranormal Activity' as it's said that 'Ouija' will follow the same model as these two films,-this model being high-concept low budget which must be a godsend to Universal as the budget for their original 'Ouija' concept was thought to be just shy of $100million...not very economically viable!- and now it's thought that because of Blum the budget will now be somwhere near to the $5million mark...much better!

Universal Studios haven't confirmed a writter or director for this yet but Hasbro's Brian Goldner and Bennett Schneir will also produce this....I just thought that Hasbro's VP and President and CEO are going to get themselves on these two projects so as to keep a very close eye on whoever directs them so as to make themselves happy that the storyline and everything else post preduction sits well and makes them happy but also makes new and old fans of both the Tonka Toys as well as the Ouji board game are happy when they leave the cinema and aren't thinking that they wouldn't go back and see the movie again, or that that was a waste of time going to see these movies.

Tonka Toys are having their own movie!

I was reading this on The Hollywood Reporter's Heat Vision Blog today and I have to say this got me very excited as it was only a matter of time when the toys from the Cadbury advert that if you can't remember takes place at an aeroport between all the cars like the baggage transporter cars, the trucks that refuel the planes etc and they all have a race between themselves....well the tonka toys that featured in this ad are getting their very own movie! YAY!

Happy Madison Productions (Adam Sandler's Production company FYI) Habro (who created these range of toys) and Sony Pictures Animation will come together to produce as Bob Osher Sony Pictures Digital Preductions says:

"... a family-friendly motion picture that brings the Tonka experience to life..."

Not much is known yet about this movie other than this and that Fred Wolf will write this and Sony Pictures Animation have described this take on bringing this range of toys to the cinema screen by Fred Wolf, Happy Madison and Hasbro as 'inventive' but they (the studio) have also said that while this will be the case there will be a 'multi-generational appeal' for not just this movie but for people who will be interested in getting into the toys as these have been described by Sony Pictures Digital Productions as:

"Tonka toys are a rite of passage for kids all around the world"

Senior VP and Senior Managing Director of Motion Pictures of Hasbro Bennett Schneir along with President and CEO of Hasbro Brian Goldner will also produce along with Happy Madison.

But this isn't going to be the last Hasbro creation that will be made into a film by Sony Pictures...the other Hasbro toy adaptions that you should keep a look out for are: the board game 'Risk' as well as the other board game 'Candy Land'.

Big Apology...Sorry it's been so long!

I know that I haven't been on here for what feels like ages but I've been away on holiday to Ibiza and I've been ill.

Anyhew....while I was out there though although me and my sisters before we went we went on a mad supermarket sweep shop around our local HMV and bought a load of CD's to listen to on holiday but I did also have playing in my head my own internal playlist...and these songs coupled with the songs that were on the CD's that we took on holiday are ones that you definitly need to check out and get downloading and becoming fans of these bands on Facebook, Youtube and Twitter:
 song on th
  1. LMFAO's Album-'Sorry For Party Rocking', this is an amazing album with every song on the album getting you in the mood for a pool party or for just getting you in the mood for getting ready to go out and go out for a big party. I have to be honest that me and the girls (sisters) loved this album soooo much that we played this every single day even if we were just sunbathing by the pool...and once you have this album there is no other way to listen to this than by playing this loud and pumping up the volume and we did! Apart from the singles on this album 'Sorry For Party Rocking', 'Sexy And I Know It', 'I'm In Miami Bitch' and 'Party Rock Anthem', my favourite tracks on the album were 'Champaign Showers', 'Put that Ass to Work' a'nd Shots ft. Little John'. Also as well as this being what I think is the must have album of the summer as you may already know here in Britain it's no bundle of joy weather wise as opposed to the weather in Ibiza, this album will as soon as you put it on you'll be instantly transported to Ibiza and feel like your either around the pool at a pool party, in the heart of PACHA(but I have to say though that I've been to PACHA while I was out there in Ibiza to see what all the fuss is about and it was absolute shit no one was dancing or looking like they were having a good time this goes for the dancers on the podiums!) or your having one of these what sounds like a good night out as descibed in all these songs.
This album has also been co-edited by so I'm thinking this is probably why this album essounds so awesome!

2. The Greatest Hits of Santana- This we played a hell of a lot and again I think this is a very fitting album for you to download to liven up your summer especially with Santana's biggest hit with Rob Thomas and for me I played a hell of a lot the Santana song featuring Steve Tyler from Aerosmith. All these songs for me are great songs to sit and chill to or even to put on when it's raining like it's monsoon season outside but if you put this on I guarentee you that it will transport you to anywhere sunny and make you feel like you are just anywhere but Britain.


The internal playlist I had on a constant loop in my head was:
1. One of my favourite unsigned band 'The Dead Famous' and 'If the World Starts Without You', this along with Go:Audio's 'Made Up Stories' (when I first heard this song on Fizz TV back in the days when I had SKY I got a little bit obsessed with this song, I'd tell everyone I know about this song and band, I would time from the minuite I got back from school to the time it took for this channel to play the video and then I'd make sure that this was turned up loud, I'd even get my sisters to watch the video and tell their friends about this band) , I'd play these songs on Youtube on my sisters Ipad along with others constantly so much so that my sisters ended up nagging me to not play this for a bit and put something more holidaye on like 'Flo-Rida' but these songs are sooo addictive and I love this band so I'd always refuse to do this...and I'd then be playing all their other fantastic songs which you seriously have to download and listen to as this band are sooo amazing!

I couuldn't find this amazing track- 'If the world starts without you'- on Youtube so if like me this is your favourite track go over to their Facebook page and have a listen  to the track and while your doing this why not subscribe to their Youtube channel.

2. Before I went away as a big fan of 'The Vampire Diaries' I managed to see an episode with both my favourite artists in Ed Sheeran and Hurts (also this Hurts song that was playing in this episode was my favourite track off the album featuring Kylie Minogue 'Devotion', for anyone who has bought this albumk like me after hearing one song this is track 8 on the album). The Ed Sheeran song 'Give Me Love' I instantly fell in love with and played this to excess on holiday that I had to keep sneaking this onto the Ipad when no one was looking as this was another song that wasn't deemed holyday enough but it is highly addictive as is 'Devotion'.

I have put the Acoustic version of 'Give Me Love' as this is the version I heard before I went away and fell in love with...this is in my opinion is the best version of the song and I hope you like this version too.