
Thursday 14 June 2012

New Concept art from the new Pinocchio!

Yesterday while I was perusing Entertainment Weekly's website I came across some sneak peek concept art from the new 3D Guillermo del Toro's Pinocchio...and I have to say that from what I've seen so far it looks like it's going to be fantastic!

The visionary filmmaker, currently at work on his ­sci-fi monster epic Pacific Rim , is already heading into preproduction on his next directing gig: a…,,20385926_20456486,00.html#21169473

These images to me look like this film will have the Guillermo del Toro stamp on it with these images looking a bit like 'Pan's Laberinth' with these images looking like it's still going to have the look of the fantastical like that movie was with the way the story was and how it delved into a fantasy world with all the different characters but it had (for me at least when I saw 'Pan's Laberith') , so I think it's fair enough for me to say that this film will definitly have this, but it will also look fantastic as it;s not only going to be in 3D but Guillermo del Torro will be making this in my favourite way to animate a film....stop-motion! YES!

And not only this but he will be co-directing this with the animation director Mark Gustafason from 'The Fantastic Mr.Fox' which not only looked great but if I can remember rightly when this was in cinemas this proved to be a big hit with audiences and all the critics kept banging on about the animation of the film. I have to be honest that since I saw 'Wallace and Gromit' and found out that they used stop-motion to creat these movies as well as the cartoons I have been a big fan of this type of animation as the quality of animation that it creates is fantastic to me and this may be an old fashioned way to animate a film but I think that you don't get a finish like it using any other piece of modern animation tech.

I do realise that I may have just rambled on there about how bigger a fan I am of stop-motion animation so I do apologise for this.

Anyhew...I think with this stop-motion animation and it looking like it's going to have Guildersonlermo del Torro's name written all over it-even though this is just in the preproduction stages as Guillermo del Torro is still at work on 'Pacific Rim' sci-fi film which will star Idris Elba-, that its going to look nothing like Disney's which I grew up with, but to be honest I think if Guillermo del Torro, Jim Henderson Company (which is producing this movie version of Pinnochio) and Mark Gustafason were to make a 21st Century 'Pinocchio' that looked like Walt Disney's classic version then it would look like that new director has just wasted their time and the studio's money on making another Disney film...but thankfully this has been more aptly put by Mark Gustafason as he has said said what everybody is thinking:

"You cannot top Disney"

Shooting for this version of 'Pinnochio' which I can't wait to see even when their will be more sneak peek images and other info on the movie going to come out before it's release will start in the summer of 2013.

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