
Tuesday 19 June 2012

Zack Farro from Paramore's new band HalfNoise has a new song!

Thanks to there is a new update on what Zack Farro did next after him and his brother Josh left Paramore.

Josh and his brother have also set up a band together called 'Novel America' that along with 'HalfNoise' that Zack has formed along with other members Dan Brigham, Canon Blue (which if you ask me sounds like a pretty cool name for a vocalist), Jason Clarke and a childhood friend.

This to me sounds really cool and they definitly have a fan in me now and I absolutly love it, but it's really annoying me as it reminds me of a some other songs but I can't for the life of me think what these other songs are!...this I know will get me annoyed all day now.

But I do have to admit that this sounds totally the polar opposite to Paramore songs which have announced that for their new album as well as all of us Paramore fans getting to listen to 'Daydreaming' Justin Meldal-Johnson (the bassist of Nine Inch Nails and Beck) is going to produce this fourth album of theirs.

Although this maybe a polar opposite to Paramore in sound I do have to admit that it sounds a bit like Zack Farro is maybe dabbling in indie music or in other kinds of music but whatever the case it does suggest that Zack Farro wanted to make a band that sounded completely different to Paramore . I just thought that if Zack Farro has done this then I think that is more appropriate than if he left the band and started another one and then did the same kind of music that Paramore are doing as I would have thought that that would be a waste of him forming a new band as there is no one who can sing or write Paramore sounding music better than Paramore.

And you might be forgiven for thinking this as Zack Farro has said to that he wanted:

" 'Free House' to be the first released to fans as it best represents my current style and creative direction in music. The song illustrates what fans can expect to hear from HalfNoise in the future"

One thing is clear though that people can expect from the band is Zack Farro has said that his new band were set on "combining the ambience of bands from Iceland with the sampling electronic electronic elements of Radiohead".

So if there next couple of tracks sound as good as this with bits of Radiohead and bands from Iceland then this could be very exciting!

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