
Monday 18 June 2012

Can it be true Twilight is getting rebooted?!

Here's the confusing part...according to 'Bloody Disgusting' Rob Friedman Summit Entertainment Co-Chairman has said on these rumours of a possible remake of this franchise that:

"We are not remaking Twilight. We will happily support Stephanie Meyer if she decides to proceed in any way. But this will be the last one unless that should change".

But 'Bloody Disgusting' also have mentioned that in some interviews Stephanie Meyers has mentioned that in some interviews she wouldn't mind seeing a reboot.

So it sounds like this could be a possibility for both Lionsgate and Summit Entertainment as this series of films has been for Lionsgate which owns Summit a cash cow...but here is where it gets confusing as Deadline has weighed into these rumours and Summit Entertainment have rung up Deadline and has publicly denied these rumours of a reboot.

So this may or may not happen but I just thought that Lionsgate could be making very loud noises saying No when in actual fact they are thinking about redoing this series...but I just thought how if this is actually happening could Lionsgate redo this as the rule of thumb seems to be that nothing is ever as good as the original (with the exception of Christopher Nolan's 'Batman' as the original Tim Burton films were amazing and Christopher Nolan seems to have made the remake of 'Batman' more amazing than these ones) and any film that I've seen that has a really good first film then goes onto try and make a franchise from the first film it tends to go down the toilet...examples of these are:

  • I hate to say this but 'Blade'-the first one I loved all the story along with the samuri sword fighting but it seemed to go down less and less in intensity and action right down to 'Blade:Trinity'. I have to be honest here but even though I always watch 'Blade:Trinity' whenever it's on TV but all the intensity went in this and was found again I think in the big fight scene at the end of the movie.
  • Resident Evil the other films you can watch them but their not as good as the first.
  • I know this is going to offend some Twilight fans but I watched the first and I thought this was a really good set up to the whole other films in the franchise but then I saw the movie of the second one after I had read the rest of the books and I thought that although the music was still really good in the film I thought that it was lacking something and I do have to say it probably says more about me but once I saw 'Vampire's Suck' I absolutly loved this and became a fan of this...but I'm still going to watch the last breaking dawn part that is going to have a second 10 seconds teaser trailer  available to download on Tuesday 19th June at 5:30 am PDT/ 8:30am EDT, then they'll be a full teaser trailer for your downloading pleasure on Wednesday 20th June 5:30 am PDT/8:30am EDT.
  • Mission Impossible:III- I absolutly loved the first movie it has the classic scene of Tom Cruise being dangled from the ventilation system in the FBI HQ to steal the 'Knock List' and then their was the a amazing scene at the fish restaurant with the red light greenlight chewing gum but this the second one was really good as well and this just lost the plot as it seemed to me that all the intensity was taken out...and then luckily put back in for 'Mission Impossible:Ghost Protocol'. 
I could go on and on and I'm sure there are a few that you can think of but I digress.

Anyhew it may or may not happen but it looks like Lionsgate have thought about this possibly of this happening.

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