
Tuesday 19 June 2012

Their back! Muse have a new album!

Thank the lord! I am a massive fan of Muse and the other day I was reading Rollingstone Magazine and now that I am making this post I can't find this news on their website to confirm this piece of glorious Muse news, but now I've been on's website and I can now confirm the facts of this story.

There will be a sixth studio album which is from the trailer for the album looks likes it's going to called ''2nd Law"...and this sounds very much like Muse are back at their best with an added Dubstep touch to Muse's music which suggests that Muse have yet again have reinvented their sound again like they did on 'Black Holes and Revolations' but have kept it very true to their roots i.e this is what (I think anyway) they have done their whole entire career which is explore different sounds and ways to make amazing Muse music.

And by this short trailer for their new album it's not hard to see that Muse have done this reinvention in sound again...and to be honest I love this new sound and I hope that this is an actual track on the album and not just a sound bite of music that has been orchestrated for the making of this trailer, I urge you to see this if you haven't seen it yet as the track as well as all the other action that is going on in the background of the trailer:

Chris Wolstenholme has said that on this album the band wanted to do "something radically different" and now that I've seen this trailer for their new album which if you ask me sounds like it's going to sound so amazing and I am really excited to hear any of the tracks from this album when it's been released.

Apart from this trailer and these little titbits of information not very much else is known about this album...but what is also known is that Muse are working on an orchestral score with David Campbell who's previously worked on the U2 Spiderman musical 'Spiderman:Turn Off The Dark'.

Seriously can't wait for this...I feel like a kid waiting for Christmas to come!

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