
Sunday 18 September 2011

Carling Refreshed advert song

Sorry if this post seems a bit shorter than the norm, but I'll give you a word of advise never put anything on a blog when your really tired and not really concentrating on what your writing therefore you could be posting any old shit that doesn't really make any sense.

Anyhew...After several weeks of seeing thee new Carling Refreshed advert where the guy is on the train daydreaming, I'd heard the music in the background of this advert and it always annoyed me that I didn't know who was singing the song but last night I saw this advert again and I thought enough was enough and went looking for this song via the wonderful thing that is the world wide web.

Well...thanks to Youtube I found out that it was Alice Gold covering Billy Fury's 1960's song 'Wonderous Place'. I like this song and how she's covered this song as I'd had a little listen of the original version this morning, and I have to say that I think her updated version is really good, and she's not done too much to change it that could make this sound like a really bad cover version, i.e she hasn't put a dance track on the back of this as there are a lot more dance records out there at the moment...but just thinking about it if she put a dance record behind this and remixed it then it would make it sound stupid.

This cover version that she's done I really like as I like the build up to this record, and I love her voice it sounds so gravelly and raw and this gives the song a different quality to it, as well as edgyness which I imagine knowing that the song is a Billy Fury song it's was probably a bit hard to do this to one of his records. Also I do have to say that before I found out who sung this cover I thought that it was a KT Tunstall track, which if you ask me I don't really like her music now but when her debut album came out I really liked it how it sounded and how it was just her and her guitar which sounded really good, but I have to say that now I just don't think her music is as good.

I thought that this song was KT Tunstall's as it does sound like her song ' The Big Black Horse And The Cherry Tree'.  

Here is a link to Alice Gold's album Seven Rainbows which you can have a little listen to or buy if you like from itunes. Also if you go to her official website there is a free download that you can get if you are interested.

Hope you enjoy this song as much as I do and hopefully.

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