
Tuesday 6 September 2011

Lone Ranger May Ride Again!

Thanks to Deadline Hollywood I just had to post this as it got me all excited to hear about this news...The Lone Ranger which was stopped right in the middle of shooting because of budget problems may get the greenlight once again, that is if Gore Verbinski and Jerry Bruckheimer the producers on this film can present the right kind of budget to Walt Disney Studios Chairman Rich Ross. At the moment they have both put forward a new budget for this film which is down from the original budget that scared off Disney as it was at a staggering $275m.

But now both producers have gone back to the drawing board with their proposed budget for this movie and as yet both Verbinski and Walt Disney Studios haven't agreed on the budget for the film but originally the studio wanted the budget for The Lone Ranger to be around the $200m mark.

Not only this but there are a few little problems that have already reared their ugly little head...this being that Johnny Depp who is already in on this project to play Tonto he wont do the film without Gore Verbinski directing it, which he has already done Rango with...this you'll be pleased to hear is up for an Oscar this year as Best Animated Picture of the Year. So not only this, but Verbinski has already said to Walt Disney that he won't take the budget down to a point where it's not the same movie that he set out to make.

So in other words if this budget isn't sorted out rather sharpishly then the studio will be in danger of losing Johnny Depp who will definitely make this film very popular among cinema goers as I know that as I am a huge fan of Johnny Depp films that I would definitly go to see this one. However, another problem that Walt Disney have is when to schedule the release date for this film...originally this was going to be released on December 21st 2012 but that then would be competing with The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey which comes out on December 14th 2012, which to my mind would not be a viable option for the studio as the Hobbit has an astronomical amount of fans that would be going to see that movie and some of these fans are just as bonkers as the Harry Potter fans were as some on the last wave of Hobbit films went dressed up like Orcs, Saroman, and the Hobbits themselves...which if you ask me was a bit freaky as some of the people dressed up as Orcs really went for it with the makeup.

Anyhew....Gore Verbinski, Jerry Bruckheimer as well as Johnny Depp himself have been trying to do all they can to get the budget down, things like Bruckheimer and Walt Disney  have been going through every scene and discussing what they could do to lower the budget by toning down the number of scenes in Justin Haythe’s script...this I think is a good idea to do as I heard a couple of months ago that some of the scenes in the movie were going to feature massive special effects that use some Native American folklores such as werewolves...this to me sounded silly as I could smell the 'only done this for a money spinning idea for the film because of Twilight' and this as we know raked in a lot of money.

But I hope this film does get made as it has been seen in the past that big budgeted Western films don't get a good international reception which will be very hard for Verbinski as Deadline Hollywood says that he has a bad reputation for wanting big budgets on films and putting his foot down when he is told he can't have this. So we'll just have to wait and see if this actually does get the greenlight as I bet this will be spectacular if the studio does give Gore his big budget.

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