
Tuesday 30 August 2011

Just found the music for the Ford Zetec ad

After many months of seeing on the TV the Ford Zetec advert and thinking that the song used in the advert is from a band I have heard before I've finally found the time to go hunting for the song that's used with the help of YouTube...god bless this invention! lol!

The song used is from a band called Fiction and the song is called 'Big Things'. I have to say though now that I've heard the song in full it doesn't sound as good as it does on the advert as it to me takes a bit of time to kick in to the song. I know this may sound a bit harsh but I thought it was probably going to have a bit of an intro to the song then kick in to the indie sounding track that it is.

Anyway if you want to give this track a go which I'd advise you do so that you can make up your own mind whether I'm being to critical about it or not.

And out of interest...if you like me have been having stuck in your head that song that is used in the new Waitrose summer salads range then I have also found this out which is another relief for me as I heard this for the first time a while back and the damn song was stuck in my head for a very long time afterwards, but thankfully after I had hunted down the band who sing this song it went so I was no longer walking round singing 'She's got you high and you don't even know yet...' which annoyed the hell out of me and others around me.

The band who sing this were called Mumm-ra and the song is called 'She's got you high'...but to my disappointment as soon as I found who sang this song I also found out that this band are no longer around as they have now split up.

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