
Monday 15 August 2011

Stevie B. Wolf

I have been focused a lot lately on film news which sadly has meant that any news on fresh new music that I've come across on my travels has been left out in the cold.

But now I feel that it's about time that I put aside some time and dedicate some posting time to music.

First I have to say that thanks to Facebook for suggesting I have a little listen to Stevie B. Wolf...and thank goodness that I did, his music I have instantly fallen in love with and I think that he may be the next Jack Johnson with his songs taking me away from the boring work day and transporting me to the tropical climes of Hawaii...thank goodness for that!

I especially love 'Christmas in July'. It has the best lyric in it that I've ever heard and I didn't think you could ever put this phrase into a song as for me when it comes to writing down songs and lyrics that I've created throughout the day this phrase doesn't immediately strike up a hip, fresh and catchy tune that you can write down. The phrase I'm talking about is 'Even St Nick wears shorts'. This reminds me now I think about it of my other favorite artist Jamie T as in all his songs on both of his incredible albums 'Panic Preventions' and 'Kings and Queens' (both of which I own) he uses phrases in his songs that you wouldn't necessarily think about putting in song.

After I heard one of his songs on his Facebook page I had to download this and thanks to I now have them...I think you should definitely listen to Stevie B. Wolf if your frustratingly crawling up the walls to hear new music, or wanting to have a listen to his music as this sounds interesting or you like Jack Johnson sounding music so want to see if this is really all it's cracked up to be....and I'm not afraid to say this but I think you'll be pretty surprised at how amazing his music sounds!

I definitely think this album is well worth you downloading...if you want to do this his album is called 'Almost Perfect' and you can download this from


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