
Tuesday 9 August 2011

This sounds interesting...Lincoln Lawyer as a drama series

Earlier this morning I saw on Variety Magazine's website that ABC entertainment who are going to be left with a pretty big whole to fill after the 8th series of Desperate Housewives has left its station for good are wanting Lionsgate to write a script that would adapt The Lincoln Lawyer film into a drama series for their network.

Michael Connelly the novelist and the screenwriter John Romano who adapted this story into the film will be executive producers along with Joel Gotler and Lakeshore Entertainment's Gary Luccasi and Tom Rosenberg. Lakeshore Entertainment will also co-produce this new network drama along with Lionsgate.

Originally Mathew McConaughey character in the Lincoln Lawyer film was a character that was included in 5 other novels that Connelly wrote so working on this there should be a lot more material for these groups of people who are going to be involved with working on making this film come to the TV screen to work with...maybe by the sounds of it there will be a lot more scenarios to put this character in and there will probably be a lot more to be seen from this character in the TV series.

This isn't the last time that we'll hear from other films that are going to have lives on the TV screen, as NBC are set to adapt The Firm into one of its TV dramas.

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