
Tuesday 16 August 2011

The Dead Famouse

I heard this band thanks to the miracle of Twitter...and I have to admit that these guys song that I downloaded straight away after hearing 'Superstar' was really summery...and I just thought if I were to make yet another playlist on my ipod which I have a habit of doing when I feel the urge to make a playlist that include some if not all of my favourite songs from other albums that I either already have on my ipod or have downloaded.

If like so many of us here in glum old Blighty are feeling down and in the dolldrums no thanks to the miserable weather that we seem to be having lately, are in need of some songs which to not be too cheesy and quote 'Guns and Roses-Sweet Child Of Mine', '...take you away to that special place...' here are just a few that I can recommend to you including 'The Dead Famous-Superstar':

  • Intraverse-Any of their songs are great to listen to if your in the mood for going down to the beach for a bit of surfing or just to listen to in any situation their fantastic songs that you just have to listen to again and again. 
  • Promise Me Tomorrow- I'd recommend that you listen to 'You haven't seen the best of me yet' but again you'll want to listen to their whole album as it's a really great listen and will blow your tiny mind like Intraverse's songs.
  • The Remainers-Formal Fridays is their last album that they released and it's fantastic especially 'A Blessing In Disguise' this is my favourite song off this album and this if you don't know is an album that was helped on its way during the development stage by Maroon 5 band members and Phantom Planet, therefore you can gather that as Maroon 5's debut album 'Songs for Jane' was an unforgettable album and Phantom Planet's song 'California' was one that is kind of a summery song but I have to admit that I can't listen to that song without thinking of how it was the theme tune to 'The OC'. Anyhew...these songs are songs that you have to listen to over and over and they can tend to get stuck in your head...which having this album is not a bad thing.
  • The Musgraves...this is a band from the Midlands that in their description of their band on Twitter say that they are a ukelele band but after hearing one song from them after being a bit sceptical of this because it did seem to me at first that this was a bit of an thing that didn't really go together in my mind a band from the midlands and a ukelele band but I do have to admit that I was very much mistaken and I was right to think that I had judged too harshly too quickly. And after this I liked these and think that this band is ell worth a listen and I especially think you should have a listen to their ukelele cover of Adele's 'Someone Like You'.
  • I have also just found another new band that you should definitely check out....'Play For Keeps'. Now I've finally found the right MySpace page and listened to the right songs from the right album 'Goodbye Natural, Hello Manmade' and I have to say that I am really relieved that I've found this now as I did get  it confused with another band out there in the MySpace world called 'Playing For Keeps'. But now I have to say these are definitely a band that you should listen to if your out and and about, going for a few waves at the beach, going to go out for a few drinks or just if you want to have a little listen to any new music that's under the radar. 
This list is thankfully on my part a quick round up of new bands and music that I have heard on my travels and have been dying to update my blog posts with as I've been lagging behind lately with any music news, and have been overloading this blog with upcoming news about under the radar films...again if you've been frustratingly scratching your head as to why their is no news about under the radar music or bands I'm sorry.  

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