
Wednesday 10 August 2011

The Odd Life Of Timothy Green

I wrote about this film last night in my latest blog post yesterday and now thanks to I Am Rogue I have now seen that there is now a teaser trailer that is out their in the film news universe about this weird but what looks to be a firm family favourite.

Here is the trailer for this:

Although there is a script that has already been written by Peter Hedges as well as directing this film there as yet is no release date for the I think its safe to say that your guess for when this film gets released is as good as mine. This screenplay has been adapted from a story by Ahmet Zappa.

Jennifer Garner and Joel Edgerton star as the Greens who in the film have been trying to have a baby for years but have been unable to have this to try to come to terms with how they aren't ever going to have this child they write down a list of all the things that they'd hope that if they had a child what that child would be, then they put these away in a little box and bury these hopes in their back garden...until one night they wake up to find a child in their home all covered in mud.

This is one of Disney's very busy schedule and as I said in my last post of yesterday all we have to do now is wait for Pixar's 'Monster's University' which is their follow up of Monster's Inc. 

I just thought as well that this story and how it plays out sounds very familiar to a 21st Century version of Jack and The Bean Stork. 

Also I forgot to mention that Timothy Green is played by CJ Adams.  

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