
Thursday 11 August 2011

Oh Oh! Kathyrin Bigelow is in for a big suprise!

According to Deadline Hollywood Kayrin Bigelow and Mark Boal are in big trouble. Kathryn Bigelow and Mark Boal have had on their radar for a while now been wanting to do a film about the Navy SEAL Squad Team 6 that hunted down and managed to kill Osama Bin Laden.

Sony Pictures aquired the rights for this film at auction before a script had even been turned in and after Maureen Dowd (a journalist at The New York Times) wrote in a column of hers that in order to make this movie it received cooperation and help about a classified mission. This has led to Congressman Peter King calling for an investigation into President Obama's Administration into it's alleged cooperation with Kathryn Bigelow and Mark Boal.

Deadline Hollywood also report that along with how this film was on the cards to be made for a while now there was a initial film about Osama Bin Laden that was going to be called 'Killing Bin Laden', but when the news came pout that Osama Bin Laden had been killed there was no doubt in my mind that there was at some point going to be a multitude of films coming out at some stage about this subject. Which I wasn't all too up in arms and overjoyed to think about as I could see in my mind that the way that this killing of Bin Laden would play out would be in a team America style film with lots of explosions, lots of mean looking muscly guys that swore when someone 'Disrespected My Authority!'. And I could just see how at some point there would have to be a deep meaningful back story to one or even more than one of the characters like they went to war and now all they want to do is get home to see their mother and two sisters and the dog named skip....just thought I'd put in the dog bit to lighten the mood.

The initial film though focused on The Navy SEALS going in and finishing off Bin Laden but this was evidently scrapped in favor of one that had as Deadline puts it '...a satisfying end...' Thankfully though with the scrip writter Mark Boal having contacts in the Middle East and the military that he used which also helped on their other project The Hurt Locker coupled with this and the research that had already been done it didn't take long for Mark Boal and Kathryn Bigelow to change the movie to have this satisfying end.

And as this announcement came that Bin Laden was dead it didn't take long for production houses to put into effect what I thought would happen with having to move fast on making Bin Laden's death into a film. So as to get this film off the ground as fast as possible Annapurna Studios signed on the dotted line to financially back the making of this film, and while the Cannes Film Festival was going on Sony Pictures auctioned off the rights to the film.

However, Kathryn Bigelow and Mark Boal have released a statement in reaction to this 'investigation'. Saying that:
"Our upcoming film project about the decade long pursuit of Bin Laden has been in the works for many years and integrates the collective efforts of three administrations, including those of Presidents Clinton, Bush, and Obama, as well as the cooperative strategies and implementation by the Department of Defense and the Central Intelligence Agency.Indeed, the dangerous work of finding the world’s most wanted man was carried out by individuals in the military and intelligence communities who put their lives at risk for the greater good without regard for political affiliation. This was an American triumph, both heroic, and non-partisan and there is no basis to suggest that our film will represent this enormous victory otherwise.” 

I don't think this statement really helps in the grand scheme of things when it comes to answering questions from powerful people in politics such as Members Of Congress. But thankfully The White House has stepped in and denied that "...the filmmakers got no preferential treatment...' and that the idea of these filmmakers getting notes on a classified mission would be as Deadline puts it "...ridiculous...".

This Kathryn Bigelow film though will get released right in the middle of President Obama's presidential election on October 12th 2012 it is far more likely why this complaint has come to light than any other reason why this would have come out.

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