
Thursday 11 August 2011

Spiderman will have a sequel

I know this piece of Spiderman news is already out there in movie news universe but being a comic book fan I got a bit excited and a little bewildered at this news so I needed a few days to get my head around this news.

So, here is the breakdown although the new Spiderman film isn't out at cinemas yet according to the LA Times Executives at Colombia Pictures have already come out as saying that they've managed to 'lock-in' a date for the sequel to this new lease of life film of Spiderman where apparently Andrew Garfields' Peter Parker will be more of an outsider soul than the Peter Parker that Toby Mcguire played in the other Disney Marvel film adaption.

Whatever this new 'outsider soul' means this sounds like there will be a very different take on the new Spiderman/ Peter Parker. And with there being a new director at the helm such as Marc Webb there are going to be a few changes, and these can already be seen in how the film sheds a bit of light onto who were Peter Parker's parents rather than just showing Peter Parker already having to live with his aunt and uncle as his parents have already died.

I do understand that different directors have different ideas and different interpretations of stories and no doubt what you'll see from this film is Marc Webb's interpretation of the Spiderman story but I also guess that this will include some ways to freshen up the Spiderman story. I just thought as well that Marc Webb is an ironic director to have on this movie as of his surname....haha!

The release date for this sequel will be on May 2nd 2014. This though is a pretty big step to take with there not even being a first film out yet for us audiences to see yet I think, as if the film has all this hype and when it actually comes out and falls short of expectations then people may not want to see the next installment, but then again I've just thought that this could be a very clever move from Colombia Pictures as with putting it out there that there will be a sequel it might create enough hype and interest for even bigger numbers of audiences to go and bigger audience numbers that get generated translates into more money and that could mean that this sequel gets a bigger number in the film charts.

Meaning in the charts that you sometimes get in movie magazines that help dazed and confused movie going fans who have an idea of what they want to go to the cinema and see but then just as soon as they know that they want to see that film another really good film comes along which makes them not know what to decide, so these movie charts show the movie goers that if the other film that they wanted to see is at number 6 or even lower then they'll know that its just better to wait for that other film to go to DVD than go and be disappointed at the cinema with it.

So, I'm sorry if this still leaves you feeling more confused and dazed as to what to watch at the cinema because this I think just adds to your confusion and for me just knowing that there is going to be another Spiderman film that I really want to see just makes my heart sink as I know that I'll be in this very quandary by the time the first film comes out, and it'll only get worst when this sequel comes out.

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