
Monday 1 August 2011

This is too cool for words!!!!!!!!!!!!!

 Today as I was perusing I Am Rogue's website I had the greatest pleasure of seeing the onset pictures that -thanks to Just Jared for this- of Tom Hardy all in full Bane costume on the Pittsburgh set of The Dark Knight Rises. These images I have to say are very exciting as in typical Christopher Nolan style there isn't a hope in hell's chance of letting any Bat secrets out of there cave...pardon the pun.

Here are just some of the images that were captured on the set of Batman:The Dark Knight Rises. I have to say though it must be bloody hard to read your lines or hear what Tom Hardy is saying through this very ominous mask that he is wearing.

'The Dark Knight Rises' Set Photos Reveal Bane In Costume

marion cotillard tom hardy dark knight rises set 01 photo image

Also thanks to SplashNewsOnline for taking other photos of the other cast members that are going to be on the Pittsburgh film set until August 21st and then the filming of the film will go to the hustle and bustle of New York where I can only imagine is where all the Gotham/Wayne Enterprise scenes are going to be shot and then onto LA...but this is just a theory of what sort of scenes could possibly be shot in New York as there has been no way of finding any Batman secrets out...until these babies made their way onto t'internet.

All that has been said about Marion Cotillard's character is through a press release that was issued by the studio saying that Cotillard will be play Miranda Tate who is one of the board members at Wayne Enterprise that wants to help Bruce who is still grieving for Rachel start off where his dad didn't finish with regards to his philanthropic work in Gotham.

With these shots though of Tom Hardy's Bane being pictured standing on the top of the Batmobil/ Tumbler if you want to get all 'this is the correct term for the car so use it!', has let the rumour mill door wide according to I Am Rogue there has been rumours that there is maybe more to Cotillard's character (this has got me thinking that maybe she could be Harley Quinn or I might have just been reading too much of last weeks Culture Magazine and their article on the new Batman stage show, which thank the lord has no stupid made up songs like in Legally Blonde...but it does have the deservedly cool F1 designed Batmobil). 

But as this is all that has been leaked so far which is very exciting news for any Batfan to see but I do have to say that it is a little bit disappointing that nothing else has come to light on this film but I'm hopeful that in the coming months in the lead up to the film or even before then (keeping my fingers crossed) that there will be more or even a full official trailer. 

I do however get why there is no news on the film other than this and to a certain degree it is very inkeeping with the whole Batman thing that things should be kept a secret but it is very frustrating for huge fans of the Batman story along with the Nolan films that there isn't more news on this...oh well I guess I'll just have to be patient then...until July 20th 2012 then.

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