
Tuesday 16 August 2011

Promise Me Tomorrow

I'm not sure if I've posted about this band before....but I think it's about time that I wrote about this band on here. I heard this band thanks to Twitter as these sound like Kids In Glass Houses whose new album was out yesterday...I can't believe that after months of having their new album release date in my head that I completly forgot that it came out unbelievable!

Anyhew.... Here is their video for my favorite song of theirs 'You haven't seen the best of me' and after I heard this song I went straight away to and downloaded their album 'This Picture, A Memory'. I hope you have a little listen to this song and see what you think...I hope you love them as much as I do as they are really very good and I still can't believe that these unlike so many other of the bands that I have found whilst out on my travels are not being played anywhere on the radio...this is very frustrating as as soon as I heard of these and Intraverse I really wanted to hear them on the radio as I think that everyone should hear these two bands music as their flippin' fantastic...anyway I can feel myself rambling on about these bands.

See what you think and hopefully you will if you are into 'Kids In Glass Houses' kind of music or just think these guys are amazing then you'll no doubt want to and in my opinion should download this album as it's a fantastic album and like the other downloaded albums that I've got on this laptop of mine I can't stop listening to it. And just when I think that I haven't heard one of their songs in particular I'll have another listen to it and like it over and over again. And I hope you feel the same way about this band once you've heard this.

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