
Wednesday 21 September 2011

Most Ridonculous story I have heard today

Thanks to Vulture blog, I was perusing this blog looking for some news that I'd seen yesterday about the new Star Trek movie, when I saw that Disney want to make a 'Pandora' style ride at Disney Animal Kingdom in Orlando, Florida.

According to the Los Angeles Times Walt Disney have struck a multi-million deal to bring the world of Avatar to life in the form of a ride, and James Cameron and his production partner Jon Landau (who you'll no doubtedly be familiar as the man behind the legendary Michael Jackson Thriller, I know this gets said a lot but I still think that he did an awesome job on this music video).

Anyhew...these two will work with Walt Disney Imagineering (i.e the image consultants or in layman's terms these are the people who make the rides set art look like its just sprung out of the film or wherever and onto a rollercoster ride or on the sets of films these are the set artists that make things look great), as creative consultants, these and the Imagineering team will bring the fictional world of Pandora and the other parts of its world to the Walt Disney theme parks.

This has been planned to appear at Animal Kingdom, the newest in the city sized Walt Disney theme parks in Orlando, Florida for 2013. And as you can imagine James Cameron has said that he is:

'...chomping at the bit to start work with Disney's legendary Imagineers to bring our AVATAR universe to life,'

James Cameron has even gone so far as to say that:

'Our goal is to go beyond current boundaries of technical innovation and experiential storytelling, and give park goers the chance to see, hear, and touch the world of AVATAR with an unprecedented sense of reality.'

This deal would see Walt Disney Studios exclusive global theme park rights to this franchise, that's not bad considering the first film set the box office alight with its $2.8m in worldwide ticket sales.

Fox Filmed co-chairman Jim Gianopulos has commented on this (this is only natural for him to comment on this...well I say natural because they put up the money to finance the movie, distributed and marketed the blue smurf humans,- which if your not in the loop already then you don't know that there are two other parts to this weird and 'wonderful' pandora world- and whenever there's someone or something new that an actor or actress is doing there will enevitably be an interview with the actresses or actors that they acted alongside before...but in this case its a movie)

He has said about this that:

'...It lends itself very well, not only to subsequent films, but to be imagined and realized in the parks," Gianopulos said. 'Yes, it's creative content. But what it really is is an immersive world. And that's what Disney intends to create.'

Also Walt Disney are thinking of expanding its Hong Kong park by adding a Toy Story Land, remaking a Fantasyland in Orlando, as well as thinking of putting a 13 acre Cars Land attraction in the Disney California Adventure park in Anaheim.

As I didn't go to see this movie because I didn't see the point or didn't really get the obsession with these smurf humans (I call the na'avi people this because I have just thought that they do look like smurfs but just brought into the 21st Century as they walk and talk like people but don't have noses or those white smurf hats on). I still don't get how you can actually make a rollercoster ride out of this as I don't really see how this ride will be exciting or will give you the thrill factor that is the point of going on sooo many roller coster rides is....but I guess after one ride as I would imagine that people go on the ride at first to see what its all about therefore it will enevitably have a novelty to it but after that I guess this will ware off...

but saying this I thought that the Harry Potter ride had a novelty factor and then people would get bored with  it but that ride still manages to pull in the crowds.

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