
Tuesday 6 September 2011

Nicole Scherzinger new song

The other day when I wasn't very well I saw this on the music channels and I have to say that I thought this was a lot of hairography going on and it wasn't to my mind as catchy as some of her other songs such as ' You Can't Touch Me Now' or ' Keep It Right There'.

But here it is:

And to be honest I did just think this video was bordering on porn and that to be honest that with all the hair being thrown around and her rolling all over the floor that she didn't really need to do that...but I know that the song had a lyric in it with regarding 'I Like It When The Beat Sweats Down My Back' or something like that there needed to be an element of raunchiness in the video as the lyrics to the song are raunchy...but was it really necessary to in every five seconds of the choreography have Nicole Sherzinger throw her hair all over her face?

Also I found Beyonce's new song 1+1 and this is just as ridiculous to me as this just sounds like her last single...but here is the video if you want to have a watch:

Well this did give me a little bit of a headache as the video is filmed like a collidascope which as music video's go is a little bit different, and I do have to say as I've seen her other videos this is more minimalist as this just shows her 'singing' (but I just thought that I might be giving the game away when I'm about to say what I'm about to say so this for some might come as a shock so if you don't want to hear this then avert your eyes now...but if you do then I'll share this little secret with you, when artist film their music videos they are in fact miming and are 'lipsinking' in time to the tape that the record has been recorded on, this is done so any dancing or action in the video can be done).

But I did think this song was also a mixture of other songs that I had heard such as 'I'll Make Love To You Like You Want Me To' or that could just be me thinking of that song every time that that lyric came up in the song, and the other song that it reminded me of was of a Bon Jovi song.

Both of these albums are out at the moment and you can also buy these songs on their own from itunes.

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