
Tuesday 6 September 2011

FreeSol new to Tennman record label

Part of this Rolling Stone news was written up in the Daily Star Newspaper on the 1st September, but they have only partially written this story.

On the 31st August Justin Timberlake gave a suprise performance at Southern Hospitality a New York based barbecue restaurant which he partly ownes, but at this surprise perforkance he introduced FreeSol a new band that he has signed to his Tennman record label that is distributed by Interscope Records.

These were signed in 2007 and the members of this band are:

  • MC Chris Anderson
  • Elliott Ives (guitarist)
  • Teddy (drummer)
  • DJ Charlie White
  • 'Premo' D'Anger (pianist)
The groups first single 'Don't Give It Away' was used in an episode of Entorage on HBO over in America. And Justin Timberlake has described them as:

"...I would describe their sound as a fusion of rock, hip-hop, rhythm and blues, and soul...."

So we'll have to watch this space to see what they're like but Rolling Stone did mention that they are influenced by everything from Tthree 6 Mafia to Isaac Hayes. 

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