
Tuesday 13 September 2011

Creature..white alligators are real!

I Am Rogue have the trailer to a new Fred M. Andrews thriller called 'Creature' that's set for release on September 9th 2011.

The story behind this is that an ex-Navy Seal Niles (Mehcad Brookes, you'll probably recognize him from True Blood as the guy who went out with Sooki's best friend when she was friends with the shape shifter who I think if I can remember rightly...-don't quote me on this as I've not watched True Blood for a while- was waiting for the devil to come to earth)

Anyhew...Niles takes his girlfriend Emily who will be played by Serinda Swan and his friends out on a roadtrip to New's where the spooky comes into the film because as you can imagine they stop at  petrol station on their way there and the desk clerk Chopper (Sid Haig) tells them about this local ghost story 'Lockjaw'.

It's said that Lock Jaw was once an inbred man named Grimley and that one night he lost his family who were attacked by a white alligator and that he transformed into this creature after the loss of his family drove him to maddness. you can imagine this gets the group into wanting to find this thing so they go deep into the swamps to find the hiding place of this creature, cue the dum duh-duh music....

And as the group do this they find an old cabin and unleash the beast and as you can probably guess the rest of this story it probably starts picking them off one by one...still the most obvious ways to give a fright to the audience are always the best ways to frighten audiences.

Not very original in my book. Still if you want a gander at the trailer here it is below

I do have to say though that when I first read on I Am Rogue's website about this I wasn't sure if white alligators were real, I thought that as this was a made up ghost story that these were just part of the tale, but to my surprise these are very real things but they're not called white alligators. Here is a picture of these white alligators:

As I've mentioned before these are real but their called leucistic allegators, these are extremely rare and impossible to find in the wild. All the pigment genes not just melanin (the gene that makes you tanned) are defective and therefore they appear to be white with only blue eyes. And because of this they are extremely venerable from predators and the sun so they can only survive in captivity.

The Aquarium of the Americas in New Orleans has these alligators which were found in Louisiana swamps in 1987.

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